4Months Later.

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Corey Pov*
We found out that we was having a girl. Ashanti had a name she wanted since she was in 7th grade.The baby names she always had were so cute so we decided to name our baby ......

2Months Later

Ashanti Pov*
I've been pregnant for 6 whole months now.We are still oso happy and we've even took classes.We had the room all fixed up and clothes bought and everything was in place.We had the baby shower and we had got more house warming gifts and clothes and baby stuff and some people even brought us baby furniture. They theme of her room was blue.I've been resting while Corey takes care of everything. Me and his relationship is still doing great.Me and jariyah have been having days where we get out pregnant selves out and have a spa day or something like that or we go shopping for the baby's. Joey and her relationship have been okay we've both been moody but Corey knows how to handle it.They named their baby Kailanda.Kai for short.She has her baby next month.

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