What Happened.

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Ashanti Pov*
So we moved into our house a little while ago.And the kids are doing fine and me and Corey are still the same.Jariyah left joey and she went to her mom and dads then found a new place now they're divorced and she has her own place. She is also seeing somebody on the low and I'm the only one that knows.We have been friends withhm for a while and he's really a nice cute guy.He liked me but of course we never dated but j have let him take me places in my long lost past.We all been friends since we were young.Corey knows he used to like me and that's why he doesn't Luke me being as close to him as I am but he's just In love with me so who knows what he thinks.Corey has friends that are girls but he DOESN'T GO ANYWHERE WITH THEM!!! And if I go somewhere with him its usually me him and jariyah.But his name is Xavier. Joey is a reck now.He can't see him kids everyday and they had to go to court and Jariyah have full custody over all four of them and it's even up to her if he can see them.So doesn't think she will.But I can't say what I think its all up to her unless she ask what I think.

Corey POV*
Well i know y'all know what then happened so far.Meh and Ashanti and the kids,Well I should just say me and my family or my family. So my family is just fine like before. Ashanna is going to kindergarten next month. She is 6,Jaramiyiah is 5,Allyssa is 4,and Jaramih is 3.time is going by super fast.I'm thinking about getting us a pet.But I haven't talked yo Ashanti so we can look into it for the kids.But I haven't ever got the chance when she not taking care of the kids she either sleep or on her way.She been so sleepy lately and I'm not knowing why I asked her and she said she doesn't know either.But I said I was taking her to the doctor tomorrow. And I'm letting her know about the pet stuff tonight.She's going with Jariyah and they're taking the kids with them.So when she come back k I'm telling her to take a shower and come back down and I'm feeding the kids all by myself. And taking them to bed,and talking to her over dinner.

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