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When we came back the house was decorated all nice and romantic. Corey told us to go upstairs and get ready for bed.I helped the kids upstairs and one by one in they rooms and each room had new clothes,candy,food and a new pair of shoes.The kids face lit up like a candle light. I told them to put on the sleep clothes that was laid out on they beds and not touch the candy at all. Ashanna and Jaramiyiah did as I told them and Allyssa wanted to play with the toys so j had to bring Jaramih in her room with me so I could get her ready for dinner and bed.Ashanna went to help Jaramiyiah put on his stuff.And when they came out they came in the room where I was and asked what was going on and I told them I didn't know. Ashanna went and got Jaramih's clothes from his bed.
Corey said he needed them downstairs so I took them. He had they dinner set out at they little table.He told me to go back upstairs and go in our room.I went back upstairs and opened the door and I fell in love with what I say......rose petals on the floor as a path to what was on the bed.I followed it up to outfits and shoes and chocolate and a purse and a sexy little T-shirt for me to sleep in.I picked it up and put it on.I went downstairs and the kids were almost done. We helped them eat and we put them to bed and gave them each a couple pieces of candy from what they had.ThenWe went back downstairs and he took our dinner out.
"Honey,we gotta talk about a few things. One thing is I think we should get a pet for the kids." I looked at him and smiled and said"I always thought about that u just never thought you'd agree so yea let's do that." "Okay,and another thing is what's been wrong with you?I said I wanted to take you to the doctor about you not eating or anything." "Well I've actually been eating more now.So I don't think I should. I already have an appointment in two days.So I'm good until then,okay?But thanks for being concerned about me honey."" Always and okay"he said

The Life Of Us.(By Ashanti)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant