"If that is what you want, I will." George smiles and moves away from Clay and wraps his arm over my shoulder.

"Nick stay back for a second." I look at him and he nods his head while George, Clay and I walk up to my parent's graves. It's quiet for a good few minutes before anyone speaks.

I set the bloomed flower down on top of my mother's headstone before stepping back to the boys. My head rests against Clay as I feed my body into him. "Hi mom. I've got George with me today. The one I've told you about a million times. That's right. I'm back with Clay and George is here now. I'm sorry that it's been so long. Life's been crazy."

I turn towards George waiting for him to say anything. He's quiet for a few moments before he speaks into the wind, the cool breeze of the winter Florida day. "Hi. I'm George." He says simply at first.

"Your daughter is a big pain in my ass." He starts again causing Clay and I to laugh. "She's over here trying to take my boyfriend away. Who does that?" He jokes.

"I'm a homewrecker." I shrug my shoulders. "Momma raised me right. I steal him from everyone. Right Clay?"

"Yup." Clay stays quiet to give George and I a moment together. He's stepping back. This is nice. I still remember back to the times where he'd try to push George and I apart because of his jealousy. He is one of a kind.

After a few minutes I motion for the others to join us. The moment is sweet and gentle. Everyone gets their moment of introduction. We just sit for awhile talking about life as children. Things we don't get to share often because well... life gets in the way. Sometimes it's nice to slow down open up with your friends.

Karl and Clay steal the show for stories. I mean they were trouble makers. I always tried to tame Clay but there is no way anyone could tame that man. He was on a whole other level. Always stuck in his head. His way or no way.

Alex and George didn't share much. They're more closed off from the group. They like keeping their life separate from the world. Even if it is their friends. They still like to keep their personal lives... well... personal. I didn't fault them for it. But we did get a few stories from them.

Now I, the only stories I had included Clay. I don't remember my life without him. It was dark and cold. It was my parents and I. There wasn't much there to share. So, like George and Alex, I stayed more quiet. There was nothing wrong with that though. We all have our ways.


The moment we walked into Clay's parent's house we were overwhelmed with the smell of dinner. All his siblings were there. Even his older sister. I don't think I had ever seen more people in this house... ever. Even birthday parties never felt this crowded. I feel like the personalities of all of us just made the house feel overwhelming.

Clay's sister, commonly known as Drista, stole the show because she always has to out do her brother. She got all of his characteristics times ten. She's one sassy teen and I swear sometimes I want to strangle her. She never wants to be serious. She's always just trying to push buttons. Again, exactly like her brother at that age. Defying everyone and anyone.

As we're sat around the table my phone buzzes in my pocket. I reach in and pull out my phone. No one ever texts or calls me. This is... weird. Anyone I would talk to is sitting around me.


It's my old boss and I had promised to finish up the resets but... I hadn't. Life had taken me by storm and honestly I had completely forgotten.

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