Floch let out a loud sigh and shook his head
"Idiots, I told everyone clearly that nobody should talk about where we were hiding!"

"Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone."

"But what if your father realizes that you are gone?"

"Don't worry, in general i see him very seldom because of his position and the current situation. He won't notice."

He looked you straight in the eye and thought about it for a moment. Then he looked briefly at Eren, who gave Floch a nod and then looked back to you.

"Alright good. Please excuse this rude greeting, I'm usually a gentleman. My name is Floch Forster, welcome to the Jaegerists."

Ew, now he had a really disgusting grin on his face.
He stretched out his hand to you and wanted to shake your hands as a greeting.
Apparently he believes the story, thank god...

You reciprocate his gesture and shake his hand as well and smiled.
"Nice to meet you Floch, my name is y/n uh... Pixis!"

Eren let out a little fake-cough
"All right, let's go back and show y/n our camp."

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

The Jaegerist-camp was not far away, after about 3 minutes of walking you were already there. Everywhere were tents, horses and people, mainly armed soldiers. The place here was really big and there were more people here than you thought.
Everywhere there were large wooden boxes lying around and were labeled with 'weapons', but mostly with 'food' and 'blankets'.

While you three walked through the camp it was noticeable that everyone was looking at Eren.
As soon as the others saw him, they became quiet, some even said his name and even bowed.
Obviously, they respected Eren very much. But Eren seemed neutral and calm. He was probably already used to it.

In the end you stood in front of a tent which looked bigger and even a bit more luxurious than the others, the entrance was guarded by two other soldiers.
When the two saw Eren, they bowed a little and opened the entrance to the tent for him.

"Welcome back Mr. Jaeger!"
The two soldiers said this out loud at the same time.

Eren just nodded and walked ahead, Floch followed him. When you wanted to go after them, one of the soldiers blocked your way.

"Wait, who the hell are you and why do you actually allow yourself to-"

"The girl is one of us, let her in." Jaeger suddenly stood behind the soldiers and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"O-oh of course, excuse me!"
The soldier went to the side to let you through. When you were now in the tent Eren went to the left of you and Floch right so that you were in the middle of the two.

Several people were also present in the tent. On the tent wall opposite the entrance was a large map of the island of Paradis.
In front of this map were some tables and chairs, it looked theoretically like a kinda messy school class room . Probably this is the place where they discuss and plan things.

When everyone noticed Eren, it was suddenly quiet and their attention was focused on him.
Then the brown-haired man walked in front of the big paradise map, everyone else sat down on the chairs in front of it. While everyone sat down in a seat, Floch also sat down and looked at you, while he pointed his hand at a chair next to him to signal to you that you should sit next to him.

Since you didn't want to be rude and didn't want to sit next to strangers, you finally sat down next to Floch and looked forward like everyone else to Eren. When everyone had found a place to sit and were quiet he began to talk, everyone listened to him attentively.

"Thank you all for being here. I have a lot to discuss with you. First of all, I would like to introduce you to a new member, would you please come to me?"
While Jaeger was talking, he showed hardly any emotions and seemed serious. But damn, seriously? It was already hard for you to talk in front of Floch...

Unfortunately you had no other choice, but what exactly does he want to discuss? Does every new member have to introduce themself like this? When you were standing up, everyone was looking at you. Finally you went ahead and now stood next to Eren.

Dream ꕥ Eren J.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें