Chapter 21

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[ New York ]

"Any sign of the convoy?" Peter (Tobey) spoke into his earpiece, scanning the area

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"Any sign of the convoy?" Peter (Tobey) spoke into his earpiece, scanning the area.

They were actually doing this. In truth, they would do anything that May would ask. But still, it's kind of crazy that they were on the other side of the law.

—Well, as if the law really considered them to be on their side, anyways.

And now they were watching intensively at Park Avenue, to see if their was a convoy carrying the man known to many as Peter Parker. However, it didn't seem to be the case for now.

"Uh... no. I do not have visual on any sort of convoy on Park Avenue." Peter (Andrew) responded back.

"What if the girl's operating on a hunch?"

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"What if the girl's operating on a hunch?"

"It's the best thing we got right now. We either run with it, or we don't."

"And if she's wrong."

"You're being overly pessimistic right now." Peter (Tobey) mentioned, looking closely onto the streets of New York.

"Well, I hate wasting my time, you know? There's so much things you could do in like... say seven minutes."

"Yeah, like delivering pizza..." Peter (Tobey) muttered.

"What was that?!"

Peter (Tobey) ignored his response, as he saw a flash of blue and red lights in the corner of his eyes. They were moving at tremendous speed for a car in New York, as they were passing red lights with ease. Over time, a group of citizens and cars were actively cussing them out for cutting them without signalling them.


That only confirmed it. It was the same feeling when he detected Peter (Andrew) at the trial. This was the person they were saving, and they were going to throw everything they got at it.

"On your three o'clock, convoy's on you." Peter (Tobey) alerted, getting ready to jump.

" Peter (Tobey) alerted, getting ready to jump

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