Chapter 19

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[ New York ]

Peter (Tobey) sighed, hanging off the edge of a blocked building—as to not be seen by the public eye during the daytime. He was still in full-costume without the mask, just like his counterpart sitting beside him as well.

Peter (Andrew) seemed calm and steady, while Peter (Tobey) was concerned. Peter (Tom) had just been captured by the police and the villains had seemingly left their place. Their options had ran out. What they had seen at that lair was proof that their work was nearing completion—the Multiverse was about to fold.

Maybe it wasn't something they could prevent.

Maybe it was always meant to happen.

—Was the Multiverse always supposed to crumble.

"You know, man, I've been meaning to ask: where does the web come from?" Peter (Andrew) asked curiously.

"The web? It's organic." Peter (Tobey) answered with some curiousness himself. "Why? I thought yours was organic too?"

"O—organic?" He said weirdly. "What do you mean organic; it just comes from your body or something?"

"Yeah; that's what organic is. Why? You got something else coming out of you?"

"We—web shooters." Peter (Andrew) showed his gadgets to him—much to his surprise.

"Web what?"

"Well, it's..." Peter (Andrew) tried to gesture with his hands but gave up. "Look, it comes out the same as you."

"Do you ever run out?"

"Yeah, why?" Peter (Andrew) seemingly looked defensive, until he noticed the cool nature of his counterpart. "Yours doesn't?"

"It only goes away in some situations..." Peter (Tobey) recalled the time he had lost his powers because of Mary Jane. "Very specific ones, actually..."

"Is that right?" Peter (Andrew) kept it going, feeling the fresh air pass by him. "How's your universe right now? Anything you were up to before you got abducted by a portal?"

"I got a gig going." Peter (Tobey) frowned, "I went for a job... got enough money to pay some rent for a great apartment. New York pricing was still hell..."

"How about as Spider-Man? How was life doing?"

"Um..." He shook his head. "Absolute hell. Besides the eagle costumes and some leopard-wearing hunters, it was a tough break. I was dying..."

"From the wounds or the things they did to you in a, uh..."

"Both." He said, not needing to hear the next part. "How about you? Rogue's gallery coming along nicely?"

"You could say that." He boasted, "I've had my run-ins with rhinos, chameleons, big heads, and the likes... they never stop coming. At times I ask myself where do they all come from; and why is it me that is there to stop them."

"You found a way to stop and think?"

"Yeah. I have loads of time to thi—"

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