Chapter 9

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[ New York ]

[ New York ]

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Night had fallen on such a busy day in New York

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Night had fallen on such a busy day in New York. The physical and magical worlds had taken a very large toll on this day. The Multiverse had spilled onto a single universe—multiple components of different universes now reside in one.

This isn't a threat to Earth—this is a threat of the Multiverse.

Five infamous villains were now on loose. They were ready to wreck the entire reality of this healing planet. For them, this was the beginning of something much bigger.

For now, they had settled just above Long Beach. It was at the coast, where transmission towers were the only sign of civilisation there. There was flowing water in the area, indicating a source coming from one of the hills.

As they reached the source of the water, they came across a large pipe with metal bars. It was an entrance to the New York sewer. Breaking the bars with ease, Osborn allowed his colleagues to enter first.

"Come on, we don't have all day!" He ushered, standing in the middle of the night in his ridiculous suit.

"We wouldn't be in a rush if we had killed the Spider-Man. None of you were satisfied enough to kill Parker, it seems." Octavius annoyingly mentioned, waiting for the others to enter.

"Nobody said that we were rushing." Dillon stated, making sure that the sewer pipes was clear.

Beck followed behind him, with Marko hesitant to enter the sewer pipes. He was being extra careful, trying to avoid in stepping into the color-ridden water.

"What, you scared?" Octavius noticed.

"No! It's not like that!" Marko argued, keeping his feet far apart from the center.

Beck glanced from the front, "I didn't take you to have mysophobia."

"Little sand-man afraid of a little water?!" Dillon mocked, making significant progress in moving forwards.

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