Chapter 3

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[ Queens ]

No, the world didn't get over the fact that Peter Parker was Spider-Man.

Even after two months, nothing has changed. The whole world wouldn't stop talking about Peter Parker. It was the same problem day after day. School kept on pressuring—both grades and the spotlight. They wouldn't stop coming at Peter. There was still no help from either S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers. It wasn't surprising. There was too much national and worldwide coverage on this case—Peter Parker was a murderer.

Still, he was grateful that he was able to stay in his apartment. Aunt May had been coming now and then to greet him. Even Matthew Murdock came to get some information from him; maybe bring in some Thai food from the restaurant across the street. MJ and Ned were also coming in to spend some time with him.

But besides that, it was the same day over and over again. There was only one place he could go to—school. Anything else, the guards outside the door were protocoled to handle. It was boring for most of the time.

So days like these, he was just moping around the apartment, looking for something to do.

He had already eaten dinner; courtesy of the guards bringing him take-out. There was nothing else to do but check his phone.

Peter Parker continues to avoid media. When will he admit to Mysterio murder?

Of course, that was the first thing to pop up on his feed.

Rubbing the dirt in his eye, he placed his phone down and scanned the room. It was so... empty. There was no one to talk to or be with. If he could compare it to somewhere, it was he was in his own luxury prison. He had the protection of a criminal but the vanities of a teenage kid.

But who cared about his living conditions. He needed something to actually do.

That was when he spotted a certain pair of glasses lying down on the table. He promised to only use it when necessary; but how could you see this as not necessary? He placed the glasses on and activated it, "E.D.I.T.H."

"Hello, Peter. How may I assist you today?" The A.I's protocols were as sharp as ever.

"I'm sorry for bothering you again, E.D.I.T.H."

"It's okay, as I am only an A.I; I do not feel such emotion or have the need to indulge in such frivolous matters."

"That's... just sad." He shook his head and got into the matter of things. "Is it okay if you tap into the police department's communications? I want to hear everything going on around the area."

"Alright, accessing all available police telecommunications in Queens."

All of a sudden, jazz music began playing out of the glasses. It was so loud that you could have heard it from a floor down. Peter removed the glasses and put it near his mouth.

"E.D.I.T.H, what are you doing?!" He tried his best to keep his voice down.

"You said to play all available police telecommunications in your area, did you not?"

"Parker! What's going on?!" The guard on the door indulged into the hideous noise.

"Nothing! I just accidentally turned on the TV!" When Peter ordered E.D.I.T.H. to stop again, they listened. He laid back on the couch, catching his breath. "Let's try that again. I want you to listen to all calls regarding crime in the area. It doesn't matter if it's real or just a hunch, I want to hear everything."

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