"Yeah, I know. Connor mentioned something about that. He seemed kinda homesick, rainy London is apparently a pain in the ass," I laughed.

"I know, I missed them, you know." Her expression went from I can-kick-ass to I-need-some-tissues real quick. Fuck, not the mood swings again. "I missed the times when all of us used to hang out, drink the night away, and party. And now I can't even have a beer." Then the waterworks started.

There we go.

I pulled her into a side-hug and rubbed her arm. "It's okay, you'll be fine. It's just a matter of nine-" that sounded so much better in my head. I swallowed. "Months."

She sniffled and looked up at me. Her eyes shooting daggers. "Really? Are you trying to make me feel worse or what?"

"Never dealt with pregnant women, Reem." I cocked my head a little to the side. "And I mean, never so cut me some slack."

She swatted at me. "You'd better start taking lessons. Hazel's gotta get pregnant at some point."

But why does that sound so fucking great?

A low laugh escaped my mouth. "Still a long way to go."

"But- you want that right? I mean, a family of your own, kids, and a lifetime to spend together. The future."

I looked at her and shoved my hands in the pockets. "Trust me when I say this, Reem. There's no future for me without her. She's everything."

"Aww, why does this wanna make me cry again?"

I laughed.

"God, my emotions are on overdrive all the time. This is worse than period shit." Her eyes widened then narrowed a bit. "Oh, shit- I shouldn't have said shit- the baby can hear me-" then she enclosed her hands over her mouth. Something told me she was about I facepalm. Which she did, five seconds later. "Never mind, this is hopeless."

"Okay, period-talk, I'm out." I reached out for my jacket. "Please, don't bail on me, Jordenne. I suck at this shit-"

She shot me a pointed look and I corrected myself. Forcedly. "Stuff, I mean.The restaurant staff are sticking to the theme you wanted and the cake will be your choice too so please, give them a call."

She pointed her pen at me. "You got it."

"If you need anything, I'm only a call away. Alright? And no exhaustion needed, pregnancy and all. Vince's gonna come after my head."

"Don't worry, you! But wait, what are you going to do about the gift?"

"That's what I'm about to go get."

"Here's a tip: she loves books. Flowers are always a good go-to addition for girls and I'll let you figure out the main one yourself. You know, 'cause personal special shit and all that." Realization hit her. Then she sighed. "You know what? I'm not gonna even try."

I laughed. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." I shrugged on my jacket and adjusted the collar.

"Good luck, Rivers!"

"Thanks, Jordenne. I mean it, thanks for helping me out with all of this. Couldn't do it without you."

She squealed. "You're welcome. Now go before I start crying for the hundredth time today."

"Gladly." I stifled a laugh.

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When We Ached - Book Three Where stories live. Discover now