The wedding

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The trial couldn't have ended at a better time because next week is Sebastian's brother's wedding.

I spend the rest of the week going to appointments for my hair and nails and Sebastian even takes me shopping for a new dress to wear to the wedding. While in the store, I walk out of the dressing room and ask the attendant for a larger size. I turn to Sebastian, "I don't understand. That's usually my size. I must have put on some weight from all the stress." He chuckles, "I like my women with a little extra curves." He winks at me and I laugh at his response. I try on the new size and it fits like a glove. It is a beautiful sparkling blue floor-length gown with a long slit up my right leg. As I walk out of the dressing room Sebastian gasps, "You are a vision, my love." His comment sends heat flooding to my cheeks, "I'll take it."


It's the day of William's wedding and I walk downstairs to meet Sebastian. My heart stops in my chest when I see him. He looks amazing. His suit fits his body perfectly and he has never looked more handsome. I don't know what it is about weddings, but the moment I saw him, I knew. This is the man I want to spend forever with. I don't want anyone else. Sebastian greets me with a warm and loving kiss, "You take my breath away every time I see you Rebecca Vanguard." I touch his cheek softly, "I love you, Sebastian." His eyes flick to meet mine, "Those words sound beautiful coming out of your mouth." He leans closer to my mouth, "Say it again." I graze my lips over his, "I love you, Sebastian Harrington." He groans under my gentle touch, "I love you more than life Rebecca Vanguard."

We arrive at William's wedding and it's one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever attended. Flowers were everywhere and everyone looked amazing. I take my seat and Sebastian takes his place beside his brother. William and Sebastian share a short conversation followed by a quick hug. Shortly after the music begins to play and we all rise to wait for the bride. As she walks down the aisle, my breath catches in my throat. She looks amazing. One of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen. I look over at William who can't hold back his tears. Sebastian comforts his brother with a hand squeezed tightly on his shoulder. The ceremony was beautiful. William truly seems in love and no matter what Sebastian believes,  I think they are going to be very happy together.

During the reception, Sebastian and I are seated near the happy couple and dinner is served. We are enjoying each other's company and every now and then I glance over at the happy couple who seem as in love as ever. Sebastian leans over and kisses me on the cheek, "Don't worry my love. Soon, that will be us." I turn and kiss Sebastian softly, "I can't wait." Sebastian looks at me for a while and then looks at his brother who nods at him. The music stops and Sebastian gets up and takes the mic from his brother. I turn in my seat, confused. Sebastian already made his speech.

"Sorry to interrupt ladies and gentlemen, but I have asked my brother for a special favour. I know that there are many people here tonight who know me and my date, Rebecca from the trial that passed a week ago and not as friends and family of the bride and groom. My dearest Rebecca, I have loved you for many years. From the first time, I saw you and every day since. There was never anyone else but you." Sebastian walks over to me and pulls me into the middle of the floor. "For those of you who don't know, this woman is the strongest person I know. She has endured so much and she still manages to have a kind heart towards others. Rebecca, I can't imagine sharing my life with anyone other than you. There is no other person in this world that can make me feel the way you do." Tears welled up in my eyes at Sebastian's words. Just as I thought it couldn't get any better, Sebastian let go of my hand and reaches into his pocket. He drops to the ground, "Rebecca Vanguard, will you do me the immense honour of marrying me?" Tears are falling freely down my cheeks as he opens the little box and I see the most fantastic ring I have ever seen. I can't manage to get any words out, but I nod my head up and down as fast as I can. The moment he slides that ring over my finger, my arms fly around his neck and I hug him as tightly as I can. The room erupts in cheers and applause. Sebastian kisses me tenderly, "I was hoping you'd say yes." I laugh through the tears, "I would be making the biggest mistake of my life if I said no to you. You are the love of my life, Sebastian. There is no one else but you." I spend the rest of the evening admiring the beautiful ring on my finger and the man that put it there.


Later that night Sebastian wakes to find that I'm not in bed next to him. He must have heard me in the bathroom because he rushed in, very concerned. "Are you alright my love? Did the food make you sick?" I flush the toilet, still hunched over, "I think so. I've been throwing up for about 15 minutes." He helps me off the floor and walks with me to the sink. I rinse out my mouth and brush my teeth before we both get in bed.

The next morning, Sebastian is out for work and I decide to go to my emergency bag and get a pregnancy test. I just want to be sure. There was a strange feeling inside me that I couldn't shake. I sit on the edge of the bath while I wait for the test. It felt like the longest time before the test was ready. The timer on my phone beeps and I walk over to the counter. My heart races as I stare at those two lines, "It can't be." I immediately call Marvin and ask him if he would take me to the doctor's office. I called them to check if they had an opening. Luckily they did."

Sebastian came home later that day to find that I was in bed. "Oh, darling. I wish I knew what I could do to make you feel better." I look over at him, "There isn't much you can do to help with this I'm afraid." My heart starts pounding in my ears. What if he isn't going to be happy? What if he's mad at me for not taking better precautions? Sebastian notices my distress and kneels next to me, "What's the matter? You know you can tell me anything." I gently touch his face, "I don't know how to tell you this. I don't want to ruin the bliss of our recent engagement and to be honest, I'm scared that you're going to be mad at me." Sebastian frowns, "You don't want to be engaged? Is that it? Was it too soon?" I stop him very quickly, "Oh no, my love! That's not it at all!" I can see the stress release from his shoulders, "Then whatever it is, you can tell me." I sigh and start playing with the blanket on my lap. "I was throwing up last night and I don't think it was from the food." Sebastian seems confused. "I wasn't sure so I did something that confirmed my suspicions. Even then I wouldn't believe it, so I asked Marvin to take me to the doctor's office." Sebastian takes my hand in his, "What is it darling?" I sigh and reach over to the paper on my bedside table and hand it to him. He takes it carefully and begins reading it. My heart is pounding wildly in my chest. He jumps to his feet, "You're pregnant? Darling are you sure?" I couldn't tell if he was happy, shocked or upset. "I'm sure, my love." He is silent for a moment. I get out of bed slowly to approach him. Suddenly his arms fly around my waist and lifts me into the air. I squeak in shock. "This is the best news! Oh my love we are going to have a baby!" He puts me down slowly and kisses me deeply, "You have just made me the happiest man in the world!" He grabs my hand and rushes me to the top of the stairs. "Everyone! I need your attention!" Staff immediately stop what they're doing and walk into the foyer. Marvin and Rosswell too. Sebastian says at the top of his lungs, "I'm going to be a father!" Everyone in the house begins clapping and cheering as Sebastian kisses me once more. "I can't wait to meet our child. They will be as perfect as their mother."


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