Two days

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I walk slowly toward the camera and sit down. The camera detects my movement and follows me to the ground where I'm sitting. I stare straight into the camera, "I hope this thing is recording and not just streaming to some creepy guy in a room somewhere." I talk to the camera for a few minutes and then decided I might need to get some sleep. I lay down on the bed and my stomach starts growling. How long was I asleep? I can't remember the last time I ate...

As if they heard me, which they probably did, the door to my room opens and one of Harry's men brings in a plate of food. I sit up and take the plate from him and he walks out without saying a word. The food smells amazing. It's not much but it'll stop the growling emanating from my stomach. Once I finish my food I place the empty plate next to the door and lay down again.

My dream felt so real. I never realized what I felt for Sebastian. He wasn't happy when I married Matt but I didn't care. I was in love. Now I'm realizing that I might never see Sebastian again and the thought hurts. 

(POV: Sebastian)

It's the next morning and none of us got any real sleep. John and his team are running down leads. Daniel, Colin, and I are sitting in my living room having some coffee and trying to think of a plan to locate Rebecca. Daniel begins pacing around the room, "Two days. Not a lot of time." Colin is typing away on his computer, "I'm trying to see if there are any clues in the clips that were sent to the news station. There might be something in the background that could give us an idea of where she is." 

I walk over to Colin, "Let me know if there is anything I can assist you with." He looks up at me and nods, "Thanks." Daniel seems really worried about his daughter. After she turned him down for the company, their relationship never really recovered. "I'm really happy that my Becs has someone that cares so deeply for her." I approach Daniel, "I'm the lucky one. Rebecca is always taking care of everyone except herself." He walks toward the window, "You never told her what you asked me?" This is an uncomfortable question, "No. I saw no reason to bring it up. She chose Matt, not me." 

Later that day we moved John's whole operation to my home. Teams of people scrambling for any kind of information that might lead to the safe return of Rebecca. One of the officer's phones rings and he is as white as a sheet, "Sir! There's someone on the line that wishes to speak to the detective in charge. He says his name is Harry." The poor boy is trembling. John walks over to the phone and puts it on speaker, "This is John." 

"Oh, detective! It's lovely to finally meet you. In a short while, we will begin live-streaming the torture of Rebecca Vanguard and we won't stop until the bitch is dead." John is becoming impatient with this childish game, "Listen here you bastard, let her go." Harry laughs on the other end, "Oh detective, you don't order me around. You're all my puppets, running around exactly where I want you to. Like rats in a cage. In a few moments, there will be a courier arriving at the Harrington household. He will be delivering a little device from which you can watch the torture." The line clicks and the call has ended.

As soon as the call ends, a courier arrives at the door and hands the device to one of the officers. Colin quickly connects it to a television so that we all could see what's on it. It's live. It's an empty room with some sort of steel structure in the middle of the room. Nothing else that would give any clue as to where it might be.

Not long after the live stream started, we see two men dragging a kicking and screaming Rebecca into the room. She is then tied to this structure, her feet barely touching the ground and her arms tied above her head. "Let me go!" Her screams are deafening.

Harry and Matt both appear in front of the camera and Matt is the first to speak, "I hope you enjoy the show, Mr Harrington." Matt walks toward Rebecca and begins mercilessly punching her in the stomach. She's gasping for air but with every free breath, she spits and cusses at him. He doesn't seem to like the fact that she has this much fight left in her. He wraps his hand around her throat and begins choking the life out of her. Harry steps in, "No, no. She has two days to live dear Matt. We can't kill her yet." 

Harry grabs the camera and begins moving around, talking to the people watching, "Well as you can see, I'm a man of my word. Tomorrow night my precious Toy will be no more." Harry seems to be enjoying the attention too much because he's failing to pay attention to his surroundings. He seems to be outside the place where they are keeping her. 

Colin looks at me with a smirk. He's recording everything to be viewed later. Maybe then we'll find something. Harry thinks he's unstoppable and that will be his downfall.

All the men leave the room and all that's left to watch is poor Rebecca dangling from the structure, bleeding. 

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