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After twenty minutes Colin arrives at the police station and is escorted to the office where John and I are waiting for him, "Good evening, sorry I took so long. I was on the other side of town." John nods, "That's alright, Colin. Sebastian and I were just talking about the first time I met Rebecca." Colin takes a seat next to me, "Oh yeah? When was that?" I smile, "It was the night Rebecca's mother died. I was still an apprentice at the company, working late with Mr Vanguard. We got the call from a very panicked Rebecca. Once we got to their home, John was comforting Rebecca on the front steps." Colin frowns, "If I may ask, what happened to her mother?" John shifts in his seat, "Suicide. Rebecca was the one that found her mother in their bedroom. Naturally, we had to investigate to ensure that there was no foul play. There was none. Her mother was extremely depressed and took her own life as a result of that depression."

Colin lowers his head, "Poor girl. She really hasn't had the easiest life and now all of this shit is happening to her." I can tell that Colin is just as frustrated with the situation as I am. "Don't worry Colin, we are going to bring her home and those bastards that took her will either go to jail or pay with their lives." John gives me a look, "I certainly hope you aren't planning on killing anyone." I chuckle while looking into my coffee, "No John, I don't plan on killing anyone. I would be lying if I said that I don't wish your gun accidentally goes off and kills them all." John smiles and shakes his head, "If only it was that easy." 

"Now that we are all present, let's begin with what we have uncovered from Colin's research." John opens the large binder and begins, "Let's start with the text messages between Matt and his brother. We recently spoke to Matt's brother and found out that Matt was funnelling money to him to keep quiet. His brother is currently under house arrest with a permanent patrol car parked outside his home. For obvious reasons, we can't have him escaping." I'm confused by this, "Why hasn't he been arrested?" John nods, "I understand the frustration but he has agreed to testify against his brother in exchange for his freedom. I know it's not ideal but we need him to corroborate our story." Colin and I nod in unison.

"It turns out that Matt promised his brother his seat on the board. All he wanted is the money. He couldn't have cared less about the business." John turns to the next page, "Now moving on to the money that he stole from Miss Vanguard. As we all know, Rebecca doesn't need to be working as your assistant. She's on the board and technically she owns the company. Sebastian, could you maybe explain to me why on earth she would want to work for you when she could technically be your boss?" 

I smile, "The day her father offered her the position of CEO, I was obviously devastated. I had worked so hard for that position but I understood that wealth and power are inherited in families like ours. So his decision made perfect sense to me. What Rebecca did next, shocked me to my core. She walked over to her father and thanked him for the opportunity. She turned to look at me and told her father that I was better suited for the position. He was obviously shocked by her words but she insisted that I take the position. When he asked her what she would be doing, she suggested that she would be my assistant to keep an eye on me and ensure that I only make the best decisions for her company. She had no interest in being the boss." 

Colin smiled next to me, "I never knew that. The whole company thought you were chosen by Mr Vanguard. Why didn't she say anything when the papers were smearing her for not getting the position?" I remember that day so clearly, "She didn't care about what they were saying. She merely walked up to me, squeezed my hand, told me to make the world my bitch and that she would be there by my side to help me do it." 

John laughs, breaking the moment, "She might seem timid and shy but that woman is a force. If she had control over Vanguard, she would be a feared leader." He takes a sip of his coffee, "Alright, so as we know that her bank account is basically the Vanguard account for the company. I'm shocked that your accounts department didn't pick up on the funds being transferred. Matt was not only stealing from Rebecca, but he was also stealing from the company. Her money is the company's money. You see where I'm going with this?" We both simply nod at John, "Good. Thanks to your friend, William, Matt has no claim to any of the Vanguard shares or money. So there Rebecca is safe. Now we are getting to the most interesting part of this investigation. How the fuck did Harry and Matt end up in this twisted partnership."

Just as John was about to explain, one of the officers ran into the office, "Sir, you need to see this. It's Miss Vanguard on tv again." We all get up in unison and rush out the door to the bullpen. 

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