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John plays the video and Rebecca begins to speak, "I hope this thing is recording and not just streaming to some creepy guy in a room somewhere. This might just be the first signs of me losing my mind but I have so much that I need to get off my chest. I hear the men talk around here about how they plan to kill me and it sure seems like one hell of a way to go." Rebecca looks down at her hands, "If I don't make it out of here, there are some people that I want to talk to. Dad, I know we haven't been talking much lately but I just want you to know how much I love you. The lessons you taught me throughout my life are invaluable. After mom died you had a tough job. I was young and stupid and didn't understand that you were hurting just as much as I was. It was only when I got older that I realized how hard it truly must have been for you. I just want to thank you for never giving up on me. I love you." 

Rebecca seems defeated and she's getting choked up, "John, I know you're probably out there trying to find me. It always seems like you're the one that gets me out of trouble when I need it most. Thank you for saving me all those times I snuck out and you brought me back home so that I wouldn't get in trouble with dad. This might be the only time you won't be able to save me. If they truly plan on killing me, I want to go out on my own terms. I won't give them the satisfaction of taking my life. I'd much rather die the same way my mother did."

A tear rolls down her face and I can feel a pit growing in my stomach. I lean over and pause the video, "I'm sorry John, I just need a minute." He turns in his chair to face me, "I know this might be hard to watch and I'm sorry. We can take a break for a while if you need it?" I sigh and lean against the wall, "She was ready to die, John. This isn't some cute video she left. This is a fucking suicide note." I run my hands through my hair, "Sebastian, don't you think you would have done the same? Rather take your own life than give some psychopath the satisfaction of killing you?" I push myself off the wall and walk back to my seat, "I understand where she's coming from John. It's just not easy to hear." John nods as I lean over and start the video again.

"Marvin, thank you for always being there to make me smile. You always knew exactly what to say to make my day brighter. You work so incredibly hard for your family and I'm sure they're proud of you." Rebecca pauses, looks at her bed in the background, and then back at the camera, "It would seem that I was passed out for about a week, in that time, I had the craziest dream. It all felt so real and I honestly wish that it was. In my dream, I managed to escape and was found by you and Sebastian. You being John. I have never felt so relieved in my entire life. Then something happened in my mind, that I honestly wasn't expecting. I might as well tell you all of this because I don't know if I will still be alive tomorrow and honestly, I think this might really be streaming to some creepy guy and might not even be recording me at all."

She looks at the ground as she begins to speak again, "Sebastian, I know my father hasn't made your life easy. He made you work really hard to be the boss you are today. I'm sure he's really proud of you and I just want to add this, If I die here, I want all my assets to be transferred to you. You deserve this company and everything that goes along with it. I'm stalling." She laughs at herself before continuing, "When I was younger before I met Matt. You were an intern working under my father. I had the biggest crush on you and I just didn't have the guts to tell you. The biggest mistake I made in my life was allowing a lowlife like Matt into my heart. He never belonged there, you did. The dream I had when I was passed out, I got to live a life with you that I could only ever dream of. A life where you were mine and only mine. If I ever make it out of here, I probably won't have the guts to tell you any of this but I hope that one day I will. The biggest mistake I ever made was not telling you how I felt before I went and married the single worst person in the world. Apart from Harry that is." 

She looks back up at the camera and a rogue tear rolls down her cheek, "Now I guess it's time to tell you what you want to hear. Evidence. Harry and Matt met at a bar. If John is even half the detective I know he is, he would have figured that part out. What you maybe don't know is that Harry wasn't the one that recruited Matt. It was the other way around. Matt saw an opportunity with Harry. He noticed that this guy was completely off his rocker and would take all the credit for everything. Leaving Matt to look like an innocent victim that happened to be weak-minded and easily influenced by the horrid Harry. Don't fall for it. Matt has been working very hard to make Harry seem like he's the mastermind behind it all but in reality, he is merely a puppet in Matt's sick game."

Rebecca gets up off the floor and walks toward her bed. Before she goes to bed she says one last thing, "Look into Matt's brother. He was there the night Matt recruited Harry." John and I stare at the screen before us. Neither of us saying a word...

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