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(Point of view: Sebastian)

After the police cleared the room and left, I finally have the chance to sit with her. I pull up a chair and sit next to her bed, taking her hand in mine, "I never realized how small your hands are compared to mine, Becca." Gently I stroke her fingers with my free hand.

I knew it wouldn't be safe for her here...

My phone rings and it's Marvin, "Hello Marv. We are just waiting for the discharge papers and then we'll meet you outside."

On the other end, "Thank you, Sir. Take your time."

Shortly after we end our call, Rebecca is discharged and I ask that the ambulance take her back to my home. I don't want her shoved in the back of Marvin's car.

Once she's loaded in the ambulance we begin driving slowly behind them. Marvin doesn't look at me but begins speaking, "Sir, I know I have no right to meddle in your business but why didn't you insist on being in the room with Miss Vanguard while she was being tested?" Marvin means well, I can't be mad at him for wondering. It's something that bothers me too. "I was told I wasn't allowed inside during testing. I know I should have insisted, but I think I might have been too tired to protest." Marvin nods, processing what I just said, "Understandable Sir. We often forget to take into account how the people around a victim feel. They are going through something traumatic, but the people caring for them need to be taken care of too." I lean forward and squeeze Marvin's shoulder, "Thank you, my friend."

After some time, the EMTs move Rebecca back into the guest room. I thank them and head straight to her side. I need to find a way to wake her.

I stroke her face with my thumb, "Becca, please. It's time for you to wake up now."

(Point of view: Rebecca)

Why do I keep hearing all these strange echoes? Is someone talking to me?

"Becca, please. It's time for you to wake up now."

The voice is becoming clearer. Sebastian! I want you to know that I'm not doing this to hurt you and I wish I had the strength to tell you. I'm safe here. No one can hurt me, not even you.

What is that sound? Is he speaking again?




I don't understand what he's saying! Oh no, did someone get hurt? I really hope not! How the hell do I wake up? Sebastian, I'm stuck in here! Please! Who got hurt! Tell me again, please!




No! No! Start over, please! Who's hurt?

(Point of view: Sebastian)

While I'm telling Rebecca the events of the past day I notice something strange. I lean closer to her face. Is that a tear? She's crying! She can hear me! "Oh, Becca. I'll keep talking. We need to get you out of your own mind."

(Point of view: Rebecca)

I'm crying my heart out. Sebastian please! Save me! How the fuck do I get out of here? HELP ME!



"Your own mind."

My own mind? I need to focus on his voice. That's the only way I'm getting out of here! Please keep talking Sebastian!

"Harry found..."

"Barricaded the door..."

"Tried to hurt you, Becca. Please wake up!"

What! No! No! No!

(Point of view: Sebastian)

"Come on Becca! Wake up!" I watch her eyes move under her lids. That's the most movement I've seen since yesterday. It's not long until Roswell and Marvin are in the room with me, talking over each other, talking to her...

At this point, I'm willing to do anything. It sounds like we're having a very noisy meeting in Rebecca's room but I don't care! She needs to wake up!

(Point of view: Rebecca)

It's so loud! Where are all these voices coming from? Stop! Please! I can't take much more!

My eyes shoot open and I scream, "Quiet, please! I can't think if you're all screaming like this!" Everyone in the room is standing in stunned silence. , "What the hell are you all staring at?!" No one says a word and that's when it hits me... I'm awake!

Sebastian is sitting on the bed next to me and I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I carefully reach out my hand and touch his face. This is real... "This is real!" I fling my arms around his neck and allow myself to cry freely. Sebastian wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly, "Oh Becca I'm so glad you're awake! I'm never letting you go again! You scared the shit out of me!" The men in the room cheer and hug. Marvin is the first one of them to speak, "You gave us a good scare Miss. Please don't ever do that again." Roswell nods in agreement.

I pull away from Sebastian and look at them, "I'm so sorry. I have no idea what happened." Sebastian spends the next few minutes explaining my diagnosis to me and I'm shocked to learn about the incident with Harry. "I didn't know that that was even possible. Thank you for fighting for me."

Sebastian smiles at me, "You must be starving. Let's get some food in you so you can rest."

"Rest? Didn't you just tell me I was technically asleep this whole time? No. No rest for me. We need to find these bastards. I can't keep living in fear. I need my life back!"

I wonder if he'll let me kiss him in front of Roswell and Marvin. I want to kiss him but I don't know if it'll be appropriate...

As if he read my mind, Sebastian pulls me closer to him and kisses me deeply. I don't want the kiss to stop but he pulls away slowly, whispering against my lips, "I missed that." I can feel the heat pooling in my stomach from his words, "I missed that too." I pull him back against my mouth and the others decide to give us some privacy.

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