Loving arms

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I reach out my hand to touch him. "Oh, Rebecca!" He rushes over to me but is stopped by John. "Sebastian you can't touch her. Her entire body is evidence right now. You can have your reunion once we finish up at the hospital." My hand still hovering in the air. I was so close to touching someone familiar. My hand falls to my side as John approaches me, "Hello Rebecca, my name is John. We have been looking everywhere for you. Is it alright if I escort you to my vehicle? Can you walk?" He looks down at my bloody feet, "Do you need any assistance?" I shake my head, "No. I can walk." I walk slowly. My feet are aching. I stop in front of Nanna and Phil, "I will never forget what you've done for me. Whatever you want or need, I will see to it that it's yours." Nanna takes my hand and squeezes it, "Oh honey, we don't need anything. We're just glad we found you when we did." I give her a warm smile, "I'll stop by and visit after all of this is over or maybe even invite you over to my home. I need to repay your heroism somehow. I'll think about it and surprise you." I greet my saviours and walk to the car. Both Sebastian and John are eager to assist but I'm too proud to let either of them help.

After driving for a while, we stop at a hospital. John turns to me, "We are going to take you inside now. Whilst inside, there will be an officer in the room taking your statement while the hospital collects all the evidence from your body. Sebastian has sent for someone to bring you some fresh clothes since yours will be logged into evidence." I stare out the window at the hospital and the flashing lights of a nearby ambulance dance over my face. I nod slowly without saying a word.

A nurse approaches the vehicle with a wheelchair and shortly after I'm taken into the hospital. They move me into a room and help me onto the bed. For the next few hours, I'm questioned, poked, and prodded. The nurses take urine and hair samples, while the forensic detectives dig under my nails, take samples of my hair and collect samples of the blood on my skin. Not long after all of this, they take my clothes and I change into hospital robes. I feel exposed, almost like everyone is staring at me like I'm this fragile little creature.

Finally, I'm left alone in my room. No detectives, no nurses, and no doctors. After all the events of this evening, I'm absolutely exhausted and I'm in pain. All I want is a warm bath and my bed. My shoulders shake as I cry into my pillow. The door slowly creeps open and Sebastian walks in. I can tell that he's trying not to startle me. I wipe the tears from my face, smearing the once dried blood all over my cheeks. He takes a seat next to my bed and takes my hand, "Rebecca, I'm so sorry this happened to you. If I'd known they would be so brave-" I squeeze his hand, "Stop. Stop blaming yourself for what happened to me. I wasn't safe. No matter where I was. You couldn't have known they would take me." Sebastian almost looks relieved that I don't blame him. How could I? It was my own fault.

A few minutes later a doctor comes in with some medication and informs me that I'm allowed to go home. I change into some clothes and walk out to meet Sebastian in the hallway. He instructs me to get into the wheelchair, "You're not walking. I won't let you." I shake my head as I take a seat. Sebastian wheels me out of the hospital to where Marvin is waiting for us outside. Marvin rushes over to assist, "I'm so glad you're alright Miss!" I smile at him, "I'm glad too!" We all laugh as they help me into the car.

I must have fallen asleep in the car because it wasn't long before we reached Sebastian's home. I looked out the window and saw security patrolling the grounds with guns, "You think you've got enough security?" I say sarcastically. "She's got jokes! No, it's not enough. I wanted more, but they couldn't spare more than fifty." My jaw drops, "Fifty! Sebastian, you aren't protecting the president! It's just me!" Marvin laughs, "Mister Harrington wouldn't make such an effort for the president." We all laugh and get out of the car. My feet barely hit the ground when Sebastian scoops me up and begins carrying me inside, "Sebastian I am capable of walking!" I giggle at his chivalry. He looks at me, "Becca, you aren't walking on your own for a really long time. Not if I have anything to say about it." My heart flutters in my chest, "I- Thank you" I drop my head onto his shoulder.

Sebastian walks toward his bedroom, "Where are we going? My bedroom is the other way?" He sighs, "There is no way I'm letting you out of my sight. You can stay in my room. I'll sleep on the couch. I want to be near you if you need me." I nod at him, moved by this gesture.

His room is beautiful, very masculine, but still beautiful. He gently puts me down on his bed, "Wait here." I nod as he disappears into the bathroom. I hear water running. He comes out of the bathroom and picks me up again. "What are you doing?" He smiles, "I think someone would enjoy a nice relaxing bath. Wouldn't you?" I smile gratefully, "That's exactly what I need."

He leaves me in the bathroom as I step out of my clothes. My muscles ache as I lift my shirt over my head. I try and get in the bathtub but can't. The pressure on my feet is unbearable, "Sebastian..." I call out softly. A few seconds pass and the door opens, "Yes?" He notices my naked body but tries not to react. "I can't... Uhm... Help me please?" He smiles softly at me and walks over. He removes his shirt and lifts my aching body. He steps into the water with me, "Sebastian! You don't-" He looks at me, "Shh... Let me do this."

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