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The following day I wake up before Sebastian. I look over at him and see him sleeping peacefully. He is so beautiful. Sebastian begins to stir as if he heard what I was thinking, "Good morning, beautiful. How long have you been staring at me?" Suddenly I feel very self-conscious, "I wasn't staring. I was looking." His voice is low and husky from sleeping, "Same thing." He pulls me closer to him and holds me for a couple of minutes before he speaks, "Today might be a rough day, darling. I want you to know that I won't leave your side for a moment." I smile softly, "Thank you, my love." 

Sebastian and I spent the next hour getting dressed and having breakfast before leaving for the police station. I was nervous when I woke up, but now the nerves have created a tight knot in my stomach. Sebastian looks over at me and notices that I'm tense, "Are you sure you want to come with me, darling? I could go by myself and give you feedback when I return?" I shake my head while I sip the last of my coffee, "I'm sure. It's just strange to think that I will hear what was going on in their minds when they did all these terrible things. I never thought that I would want to know, but I do." He nods, "Alright, but if you feel the need to leave, let me know, and we'll come home." I smile and place my hand over his, "Thanks. We should get going."

Marvin drives us to the police station, and as we walk in, I can feel everyone's eyes on me. My entire body feels like it might be on fire, my heart is racing, and there is a ringing in my ears. John approaches us with a warm smile, "It's so good to see the both of you." John faces me, "Rebecca, you look wonderful, my dear." John and I share a warm hug before he shakes Sebastian's hand, and we make our way to a small room adjacent to the interrogation room. John taps the glass in front of me, "This is a one-way mirror. Whoever is on the other side won't be able to see or hear you." Sebastian thanks John as he leaves the room, and I take a seat in front of the glass, and Sebastian joins me, "Are you ready, darling?" I don't look over at him, "I'm ready." I lied. I was nowhere near ready. I want to run, but I know that I need to hear this. 

We see John entering the room on the other side of the glass with a policeman escorting none other than Harry himself. I can feel my heart begin to pound in my chest as I reach over and grab Sebastian's hand. Sebastian grips my hand tightly and starts stroking my fingers. Harry sits across from John with his hands cuffed to the table. John isn't saying anything; he's flipping through the thick file in front of him. Harry has the biggest smile on his face. I grab Sebastian's hand, "Why is he smiling? He should be terrified right now, and he looks smug!" Sebastian squeezes my hand, "Don't worry, darling. He can be as smug as he wants; he's going to jail for a very long time." 

John places the open file on the desk and begins placing photographs on the table; some are of me and others of the building where I was held. Harry leans forward and looks directly at a picture of me curled up into a ball on the floor and begins laughing hysterically, "Oh, that was a good day! She begged me to kill her!" He throws his bead back and laughs. "Poor little Becca was screaming and begging for mercy. Her screams were like music to my ears!" Harry leans forward to look John dead in the eye and whispers, "The thought of her screams makes me hard all over again." John slams his fist on the table, "Enough! We're not here to talk about how you feel. We are here to get to the bottom of this bullshit, and I have a feeling that you're going to give me all the answers I desire." 

The smile vanishes from Harry's face and turns into a smug smile; he leans back in his chair, "Lawyer." John looks at him, "Are you sure? This will be over a lot quicker if you talk." Harry closes his eyes and shakes his head, "Lawyer." John's irritation with Harry is visible, "Fine." John signals for the officer in the room to take Harry, "Take him back to his cell and bring me the other one." The officer obliges and escorts Harry out of the room. 

I look over at Sebastian, "What the hell just happened? I thought we were here to get answers? At the first sign of questioning, he asks for a lawyer. Can he do that?" Sebastian can tell that I'm becoming upset, and he strokes my hand again, "He can do that, Becca. Any lawyer worth his salt would know that this case is impossible to win. Don't worry. This isn't John's first time with a difficult criminal." I can feel a knot forming in my stomach. I don't want them to get away with this.

After a few minutes, the officer escorts Matt into the interrogation room and seats him across from John. Matt's hands are cuffed, but he isn't bound to the table like Harry was.  John stares at Matt, not saying a word. I can tell that Matt is becoming uncomfortable; he seems worried. Matt's breathing hard, and he's sweating. Good. 

John moves one of the photographs over toward Matt so he can look at it. It's the same picture Harry looked at before he asked for a lawyer. Matt stares at the image, "What am I looking at? Why are you showing me this? I don't want to see this!" A big smile spreads over John's face, "Oh? Are you sure you don't want to? You're the one that took this picture" Fear shoots across Matt's face, "I did not! I would never do such a thing!" John moves the picture even closer, "Take a good look at the image and think carefully about what you say next. I also want you to keep in mind that we have the surveillance footage from the compound, so I know  who took the photos." 

In an instant, Matt's expression changes. Matt no longer has to pretend like he is the victim; he knows that he won't get away with lying if they've seen the truth already, "So what? I took a picture. That isn't a crime." 

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