The Catch

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Colin kept his promise. I didn't have him until I was a mumbling mess. We spent most of the night enjoying each other's bodies. I've forgotten what it feels like to be wanted by someone and oh, it felt amazing. He treated my body as his personal playground. 

The next morning I wake up satisfied and relaxed. I turn to where Colin should be but he isn't there. Feelings of doubt begin to set in but before they could take root, he walks into the bedroom with a steaming cup of coffee in each hand, "Well, well, well look who's awake," he hands me the cup while I sit up. "Thank you, Colin."

We sit in bed for the next thirty minutes talking and laughing. This is so nice. Finally, I work up the courage to ask, "Last night... This doesn't mean?" Colin smiles at me, "Look, Rebecca, I like you, I really do but I'm not under the impression that last night was going to be a regular thing. We were both a little drunk and lonely." I look down at my mug smiling, "You're great. Thank you. I was so scared that today might be awkward but it really isn't."

We spend the rest of the day hanging out and I eventually decide to head home. Colin sees me to the door where to my surprise, Marvin is waiting outside, "I thought you might need a ride Miss Vanguard." Marvin says while opening the car door. "Oh, Marvin you're a darling!" I smile sincerely at him. I wave at Colin as Marvin and I drive off. After a while, Marvin drops me off at home and waits until I'm inside before leaving. 

I make my way to the kitchen for some water and I sit on the cool marble counter while I have my drink. My mind keeps replaying the plan for the week to come and I'm terrified. Matt comes home tomorrow from his trip and I'm really not looking forward to having him in this house. 

I spend what's left of my weekend arranging a dinner for Monday evening, two nights before our anniversary.  So far, everyone I've invited will be attending. I arrange for decorators and caterers to come in Monday morning to prepare our backyard for the dinner. I want to go all out, flowers, fairy lights everywhere, champagne and some live music.  Obviously, I invite Colin, Sebastian, Marvin, and William, since they are the ones helping me execute this plan.


It's Monday. The day I've been dreading. I spend the day with the decorators and caterers, ensuring that everything runs smoothly. It's almost 5 pm and I need to start getting ready. The guests were told to arrive around seven. I head upstairs, take a nice warm shower and slip into my beautiful dark blue dress. It's perfect for the occasion. Matt's in the bedroom putting on his suit. I hear him calling out to me, "Do we really have to do this? You know I hate parties and now I have to attend two in one week!", I roll my eyes as I respond, "Yes you have to! This dinner is for our friends and family, the party on Wednesday is only for close family members, just the way you wanted it. So please, behave tonight and be a perfect host." 

Matt goes downstairs to greet the guests that are arriving. I can hear the music and laughter coming from our yard. I'm somehow more nervous now than I was this morning. I make my way downstairs. Halfway down the stairs, I notice Sebastian and Marvin arriving. They both look so handsome. Sebastian has decided to wear a suit that matches my dress and Marvin a tux. Sebastian quickly makes his way over to me and takes my hand as I step off the stairs, "You look absolutely stunning Rebecca." The words roll off his tongue so easily and it makes me blush. I look down at my dress, "Oh this old thing?" We both laugh as he escorts me outside. I can feel Matt's eyes burrowing a hole in the back of my skull as we walk past him. 

The night is progressing well, after dinner the guests seem to be enjoying the music and champaign. I look over at Colin who has set up screens all over the party for my loving speech to my loving husband. He nods to let me know that it's time. I glance at Sebastian before getting up and tapping on my glass to get everyone's attention. "Thank you all so much for coming tonight. It's so lovely to see you all here in one place. If you would be so kind as to allow me to give a little speech about my beautiful marriage." I look around the room and I see friends and family members smiling at my words. I notice that Amelia got my invitation and doesn't seem too happy to be around for my speech.

I walk around the room talking about the love I felt for Matt the day we got married, "It truly was the best day of my life. But as everyone knows,  marriage has its ups and downs. No marriage is perfect and mine, even less so." I can see Matt shifting in his seat, mouthing to me What are you doing?  I nod at Colin to start the slides, "If everyone would reach under their seats, pull out the booklet underneath, and follow along on this journey." I avoid looking at Matt because looking at him would only make this harder.

"Not too long ago I found a note in my husband's pocket, saying something along the lines of I had a great time. Hope we can do it again soon I'm paraphrasing but you get the idea. It was a signed letter from his assistant, Amelia." I point my hand in Amelia's direction as most of the guests turn to get a look at the little harlot. Her face was bright red. "I was distraught. I thought that this must be some kind of mistake. My husband would never do such a thing. But then it dawned on me. He's never home, he comes and goes as he pleases without telling me where he's going or who he's with. How could I say this isn't true if all the evidence proves the contrary." I take a sip of my champagne before I continue pacing around.

"I then decided that the only logical thing I could do was take this information to a friend of mine. Now, this friend is highly talented when it comes to computers and digging up information about someone that they might not want to be found. You would not believe what we found." I stop and look Matt dead in the eye, "Before I tell you that, let me tell you about what happened last week after the police paid a visit to my home. After my loving husband was obviously humiliated that I yelled at him in front of his assistant he proceeded to do this." I point to the nearest screen where Colin puts up a picture of my bruised neck, "He strangled me in my own bathtub because he felt like less of a man." I hear the crowd murmuring and looking over at Matt, who seems about ready to explode.

"What my friend and I found next was particularly interesting. It turns out that my husband has been secretly stealing my money and moving it into a separate bank account with which he buys all his secret girlfriend's jewellery. Oh and let's not forget that he takes them out on dates with this money and also weekends away." I look over at Amelia, "Darling, I really hope you didn't think you were the only one in his life. As it turns out, currently there are three other women in this very room that he is sleeping with." Amelia jumps out of her chair and heads for the door, Matt wants to go after her but stops himself.

"I want to call over my good friend William, who also happens to be my lawyer. He will be handling the rest of this lovely presentation. Come on up William." I can see William smiling as he approaches me. He clears his throat and begins, " The evidence found against Matt is quite overwhelming. If you turn to the last page of your little booklets you will see an exchange between Matt and his brother. I won't bore you by reading it back to you, but as you can see there for yourselves, Matt over here married Miss Vanguard under false pretences and then also proceeded to cheat on her. On the very back of your booklet, there is a copy of the terms of the prenuptial agreement between Matt and Rebecca. It very clearly states that if either party was to commit adultery or enter into this marriage with any other intention other than true love it would result in this marriage's immediate annulment and the guilty party will have no claim to the Vanguard fortune or shares." 

The guests begin to talk loudly amongst themselves, some guests are in shock. Matt is furious. He flies out of his chair, charging straight at me.

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