It's a date

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I cautiously approach his desk and place my hands behind my back. I smile warmly, "Sebastian. Good to see you." He stands up from behind his desk and begins to move toward me, " Yes, yes, good to see you too.", he waves his hands as if to tell me that he has more important things to talk about than saying good morning. What's gotten into him today? He stops on the other side of his desk and sits on the edge, his hands folded in his lap, "As I was saying. I need to talk to you about something. Well, as you know, I have a brother, William." I nod, "Yes, I do." 

He continues, "Well, he has decided to marry a woman he barely knows and has asked me to attend." He rubs his right hand over his brow, "I will never understand how anyone could willingly sign their life over to someone else. In my opinion, marriage is a scam. People only marry for one thing, and that is money." He sighs and begins pacing around the room. After a short while, he resumes, "So the favour I wanted to ask of you. Will you attend the wedding with me? I cannot go to this thing alone, and you are the only person I know that I don't want to strangle on sight."

My eyes are wide with shock. Sebastian's words echo in my head, The only person I don't want to strangle on sight. My mind takes me back to the dream I had last night. The skin on my neck begins to tingle at the thought of his hands around my throat. I hear him clearing his throat to get my attention, and I snap out of my daze. "So, is that a no?" I shake my head, "No, no! Of course not. I'd be happy to go with you. When is the wedding?" He straightens up a bit, almost relieved I didn't say no, "It's four months from now." I smile, "I sure do hope I'll have enough time to find a dress." He chuckles, "I hope that wasn't your best attempt at sarcasm?" My cheeks flush red, "No, sir. I'm much wittier than you think." He smiles and nods to let me know I'm allowed to leave.

While walking to my office, my mind turns back to the note I found this morning. Who is Amelia? Where did they meet? Does he love her? More importantly, are they sleeping together? Once I reach my office, I decide to get my mind off Amelia and start doing some work. I spend most of my morning in meetings with Sebastian and also arrange future meetings with his clients. It's almost time for lunch, but I'm not hungry. My mind is spinning with thoughts about Matt and Amelia. I've lost my appetite.

I lean on my desk with my head in my hands, closing my eyes. I try to control my breathing as tears threaten to break free. I breathe in deeply and lean back in my chair. As I'm staring at the ceiling, I begin to think about how I could find out who this woman is. Suddenly it dawns on me. I fly out of my chair and head straight for the elevator. Colin could help me!

Colin is our IT guy, but I've heard around the office that he is capable of a lot more than that. Once I'm in the elevator, I head down three floors to our IT department. I step out, and no one in the room even notices I'm there. All around the open-plan office, I see people with their heads buried in their screens. The clacking sound of their keyboards fills the air. I love that sound.

Colin has his own office since he is the head of this department. I knock on his door. No answer. I knock again. Still no answer. I lean my ear closer to the door, and I can hear him typing away at his computer. Colin is known to have music blaring in his headphones while he works. I slowly open his door and peek my head inside. As I expected, he has his headphones on and is typing away. I stare at colin for a moment. I haven't seen him in a few months. He looks like the bad boy you wouldn't bring home to your mother. He is very lean and tall, with really long black hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. I guess he is pretty handsome if danger is what you're into.

He didn't notice that I'd come in until I was at his desk. He jumps in his seat, "Fuck! Rebecca, you are going to be the death of me!" he says while placing his hand on his chest. I'm assuming his heart is beating out of his chest. I laugh, "Sorry, but you were so preoccupied! I didn't think I would scare you just by walking in. What are you working on that's got you so jumpy anyway?" I lean over to see what's on his screen, but I can't make any of it out. It's just a jumbled mess of numbers and words that mean nothing to me. It means something to him since he turns his monitor off seconds after I lean over. "What can I help you with, Rebecca?" He says with a devilishly handsome smile. "Oh, stop grinning like that, Colin. How do you know I need something from you anyway? I could be in here wanting to help you with something!" I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

He leaned back in his chair as he laughed, "Oh yeah? What would you help me with? I don't see any coffee, little miss assistant." My mouth drops open as I scoff, "Mind your tongue, nerd, I do way more than making coffee for the boss!" He leans his elbows on his desk, "Yeah? Like what? Make coffee and flirt with the boss? What a hard job you have." My insides turn at the mention of flirting with my boss, but I quickly change the subject, "Anyway! I do need your help, and it is a personal matter." Sighing, he leans back in his seat. "I tell you what, I can help you with your little personal problem, but it cant be during office hours. So how about you buy us dinner tonight, and we can stay after work, and I'll see what I can do for you." I smile gratefully, "Oh, thank you, Colin. I appreciate it. I still remember your favourite food, so I'll get that and meet you back here after work. He nods, "It's a date. See you then."

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