"It's pretty hard to explain, but, Angel sent off a wave of calm and power that had me feeling so comfortable and safe that I'd happily hug a Vampire if they were here. The feeling bounced off of me and hit Angel, which caused her to feel the same way."

Raf explains and I nod and turn to George with a happy expression.

"I felt in control."

I tell him and he looks relieved and comes around to pull me into his arms for the first time in a month. George has been sleeping back on the sofa for the last month for his own safety and hasn't held me for that long. I even buried my head into his neck without being overwhelmed.

"We should have Bill, Delphini and Landon come by just to make sure it's not a fluke before we move on to Sanguini."

Raf suggests and I pull away from George to nod. That sounds like a good idea. I need all the practice I can get before I see my Dad and James.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

Bill, Delphini and Landon all stood by the shop door, not knowing how to approach. Raf stood beside me and Fred and George, behind me. Delphi takes the plunge and swoops in, pulling me into her arms. I gasp at the feeling of calm and power, the same as I felt with Raf. Delphi gasps and pulls away.

"Wow! That's some power! I feel like..."

"You'd hug a Vampire if one were here?"

Raf offers, finishing Delphi's sentence. She nods with a smile and backs away to allow Bill to hug me. I feel the exact same feeling, but, I rein in my gasp. Although, Bill doesn't and gasps loudly.

"That is something else."

He says in shock and disbelief before pulling away. Landon shyly makes his way over to me. He offers me his hand and with a chuckle, I take it and shake it, causing him to gasp. He smiles widely and rushes to join the others while rubbing his now tingling hand. I turn to George.

"We should go and visit Sanguini now. If all goes well, we can visit my Dad tomorrow. Then James."

I smile and George nods, pulling me into his chest where he kisses my temple.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

I figured the ultimate test would be me feeling the same way with Sanguini and introducing my Pack, the Wolves in my ranks to my new subjects, the Vampires. So, with a knock to the castle doors, I wait with Bill, Delphini, Raf, George and Landon behind me. The door opens seconds later and Sanguini stands behind it.


He says and I step closer to him. He, strangely, doesn't need me to touch him because his eyes immediately widen before he takes to his knee, shocking me and everyone behind me.

"Sanguini? Get up. You don't need to submit to me. Never. Listen, I want you to meet some of my Pack."

I say and step aside, leaving the Wolves and the Vampire staring at each other. Back in Azkaban, a Wolf and a Vampire accidentally crossed paths, resulting in the death of four guards. I severely hoped this wouldn't be the case. Most surprisingly, Sanguini steps out of the door and holds his hand out to each Wolf and shakes their hands. They all have smiles on their faces and I knew that I had just united Werewolves, Vampires, Witches and Wizards.

Tomorrow, I can see my Dad and James.

⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

The Next Day:

The Sister (Harry Potter/George Weasley) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now