Chapter 6: Buried Secrets

Start from the beginning

"If there's seepage, there's probably not a lot of rock between us and the water," Scotty mused.
"But we've no way of knowing how much water. We could flood the tunnel and drown ourselves."

"We're not down all that far," Scotty argued. "And if we give the water a new outlet, the water level over there will drop. We should be able to make for the top of it and break into air."

"Assuming we could get through against the enormous water pressure. You're insane."

"Yeah, but I get the job done. Listen, you got any of that k'brith on you?"

Toren hesitated. "Yes. A very tiny piece."

"Good. We'll want it analyzed if we can get it up to Khediva."

"The Wayship you mentioned? Oh, but of course—she was here before. And she's connected with the Guardian. I'm sorry. My mind isn't moving very quickly anymore. I think what they're feeding us lacks some vital nutrients I need."

"Don't worry, buddy. Khediva'll fix you up. We just have to get out of here." Scotty gazed at the wall, wishing he still had his suit scanner. "If we knock a big enough hole, then hang onto something while the water fills up this tunnel, the water pressure will equalize and we can swim through the hole. The only problem is making it happen fast enough. I can only hold my breath for so long."

"And what about these?" Toren's gesture included all their fellow slaves.

"We'll herd 'em up the tunnel first. I don't think many of them would make it with us. When the water comes through it should distract that creature up there long enough for them to get past it. I hope." Scotty frowned, troubled. "Maybe we should take care of it first."

"Why don't we focus on that," Toren said quickly. "Then there's no need for swimming. Do you have any ideas?"

"Haven't you thought about escaping before?" Scotty asked.

"Why? I had nowhere to go and no allies."

"Well," Scotty said, "maybe if we rolled up our pallets—no, they're not strong enough. Hm. I'll have to think about this some more."

Toren sighed and laid down. "Good luck to you."

Scotty laid down too. Maybe he'd have a brilliant idea in his sleep. At any rate, he was exhausted. I wonder where Rina is, if she's okay. And Mara. And Aurora....

Before he could finish the thought, sleep claimed him.


Sabrina spent more time aboard Khediva than she'd intended. Her spare combat suit was hidden away at the back of a closet packed full of Mara's possessions, largely forgotten, and it took her some time to remember where it was and then to dig it out. Then she raided the infirmary, searched irritably for one of Scotty's hidden weapons caches, and submitted to Tirqwin's demand that she eat something before going back to the planet. While she ate, she briefed him and Lndor, then listened to Tirqwin's thoughts on Mara's state and tried to soothe the anxiety behind them.

"Try showing her some pictures," she advised. "She's obviously not ready for a mind link. Try all the non-invasive things you can think of first. Khediva must have years' worth of video of us all. Show her the wedding holos if you've got them."

Tirqwin sighed. "The difficulty will be choosing the right things to show her. If I inundate her with holovids, she will be overwhelmed and most likely lose interest."

"Do the best you can. You know her better than anyone, after all. And Tirqwin," Sabrina said as she finished her meal and got up, "if you can't bring her memory back right away, well, we don't have a lot of time. You might have to teach her to access the Crystal without her memory for us to get out of this."

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