Começar do início

"So!" He exclaims with no care in the world.

"Not like he's made of money or anything." George says from right next to us. "She can have a new one in an hour."

His words sting. Because of these boys haven't struggled. They haven't worried about where they'll be living. They haven't struggle to come up with money for food or clothes on their backs. Hundreds of thousands of people go through this. I've gone through it. To just throw it around nonchalantly kind of hurts.

"Principle." I say stone-cold. I feel bad that it comes off harsh but it's fact. Clay knows immediately that George's words have cut a little too deep and he is instantly trying to soothe me. He does it with little touches. Simple swirls of his fingers or hidden tight squeezes of safety.

"We should probably be heading out anyways." Clay helps me off him before standing up off the couch.

"You guys will be back later for dinner?" Clay's mom asks.

"Of course." Clay walks over to his mom and gives her a hug and a kiss on her cheek. Typical momma's boy. I've always loved that he's been so close with his mom. She's supported him every step of the way. And she's helped more than absolutely anyone. She's pretty special. Not every person gets a mom like Clay.

We leave Clay's parent's house after suffocating her with all the love and affection a mom could ask for. The car rides are both pretty quiet. I'm texting with Karl to make sure they're following us since Nick likes to get distracted. He's been keeping me updated. Music is the only thing that fills their car. Not even the sound of their voices can be heard. The same goes for our car.

"Baby girl can you check and make sure we're going to the right place? I'm pretty sure I know where it is but I want to make sure?" Clay asks as he hands me his phone to get the address into the maps app.

I pull up and assure him he's going to the right place. And before I know it we're pulling into the storage facilities parking lot. An overwhelming feeling takes over as Clay parks the car. I can't believe this is actually happening.

Clay tries his best to calm me and soothe me. But I don't think that anyone or anything would be able to take the motions I'm feeling out of me. Not even a medication designed for this shit. I mean, I've never taken anything, but fuck I don't think anything would numb this sensation.

As we approach the first storage unit the boys all back away from me. They give me the distance I need to process. This is a fucking lot to handle. I haven't seen most of this stuff in over a decade. That's insane to think about. Most of this stuff has been kept away in the darkness for years.

My hands shake as I reach for the lock hanging from the locker. I take a deep breath trying to steady my hands but it doesn't seem to help. I'm half tempted to wait for the comfort of Clay's touch to attempt to place the key into the hole. But I don't.

The key shakes into place and I spin it slowly until the lock pops open with a click. I step away as emotions literally suffocate me. I can barely breathe. I spin on my heel as my vision blurs and I reach for someone. Anyone.

Nick catches me. I can tell right away. I know my best friend's touch. But his touch is instantly traded for Clay's. My giant is here to protect me.

Humming sounds in my ears and I can't focus enough to pick out what the boys are saying. I can pick out that they're talking but that's it. The sound of the locker being open over takes the sound of their voices and my body tenses in the body of the boy that I will always fucking love.

Clay's hands cup my cheeks. He directs my attention to his face. As I stare blankly at him the world comes into focus. My mind and body unhaze and my surroundings and senses normalize.

start over | dreamwastaken x reader (sequel to split)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora