Chapter 5: Pygmalion

Start from the beginning

Scotty made a sound of disgust as Mara moved toward the leaves and peered down at the dozen or so infants there. They looked more like lizards than Stanosian children, but their future form was evident on closer inspection, Sabrina decided. She was surprised to see that Mara's expression was the most animated she had yet seen it as the Guardian bent over and picked up a bucket, scooping out something bulbous and black and tenderly dropping it down into the trough. The infant Stanosians scrambled to devour it, making little hissing and growling noises.

"Man," Scotty said, "even their babies are ugly!"

"These are recent hatchlings," Mara informed them. "They grow more graceful when they enter the second stage of development. But then they are taken to the nurseries, and I am not allowed there."

She sounded wistful, and Sabrina felt a glimmer of hope. There was something left behind that vacant face after all. But then Mara was a mother, as amazing as Sabrina found that, and perhaps that was something that went beyond memory. Mara must have had that same tenderness in her face and voice when she had cradled an infant Ford in her arms. If only Sabrina could find something to stimulate that memory...but what?

Mara turned away from the trough with a sigh. "My mistress desires your clothes," she reminded them. She went to a small cupboard in the corner and returned with an armful of ragged clothes. "You may wear these instead."

Sabrina and Scotty eyed the clothes with dismay. They looked none too clean, and they smelled like the hatcheries.

"It is only for a little while," Mara told them. "I will get you some nicer ones as soon as I am free to go to the living quarters."

"Better make that now, 'cause I'm not wearin' those," Scotty declared.

"Please," Sabrina said. "Can't you go now? The guard's here, and we won't make any trouble."

Mara eyed her warily. "Do you promise?"

"Yes," Sabrina said, looking sternly at Scotty.

"Oh, all right," he said.

Mara turned to go, but hesitated, looking over her shoulder. "Please do not touch anything. The guard will kill you if you do. And I promised your friend."

"Don't worry. We won't move," Sabrina assured her.

Mara sighed doubtfully and left. The guard closed the door behind her and glared at them.

"What'd she mean, she promised your friend?" Scotty asked.

"Ford made her promise to try to protect me. I think he was trying to see how much of her is left."

Scotty looked away for a moment, then said, very quietly, "There's not much, is there, Rina?"

"I don't know. There's something still there. But...not all of her." Sabrina closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, reaching for calm. "I don't know how deeply it's buried. I don't know if we can get to her or not."

"It's almost like somebody built a robot version of her and forgot to include a brain," Scotty said.

"No. She is capable of thinking. It's just her—her spirit that's gone."

"Just her spirit, yeah. Just everything!" Scotty exclaimed bitterly.

"Don't lose hope," Sabrina urged. "If Pygmalion could bring an ivory statue to life, we can bring Mara back."

"A statue, yeah. That's what she's like. A walking and talking statue." Scotty looked around in disgust. "So, who's this Pygmalion guy, and what did he do?"

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