25. Holding On To You

Start from the beginning

He scoffs, "No, I wanna be sexy. Handsome makes me feel average."

I sigh, "Handsome is a very good way of complimenting men. It shows that I'm interested in your mind and personality and your good looks are just a bonus. Consider yourself lucky."

He smirks, "You're into me?"

I mirror his facial expression, "You think so?"

He nods, "I know so."

I shrug, "Then there you have it."

We spent the rest of the night talking about anything and everything. We ended up leaving the diner around three in the morning. He walked me home even though I told him not to, then he proceeded to give me his number. Then he asked me to have a date with him. He said our date would consist of pizza, ice cream, and movies at his apartment. Michael isn't as bad as I thought.

A few days before that date, my friend Ashley, known as her stage name Halsey, met up with me at my house. She wanted to know what was going on between me and Michael.

She sighs loudly, "Well, do you like him?"

"I don't know," I muttered. "He's different, so I guess you can say I'm interested."

She nods and says, "I had a chat with him the other day. I told him that I can't really tell him anything about you, because you tell people what you want them to know."

I shrug, "I guess that's true. Can we not talk about this."

She groans, "Why don't you wanna talk about this?"

I roll my eyes, "Ok, what is there to talk about?"

"Oh, I don't know, the fact that you agreed to go on a date with him after turning down that one guy the night before," she replies sarcastically.

I sigh, "He seems to understand something about me and it interests me for some reason. I just wanna get to know him."

She smiles, "Aw, well he likes you like a lot."

She spent a few more hours at my house bugging me before leaving me to my thoughts.

By the night of the date, I had a couple of sucky days, and my mood was shot. I was so hesitant to actually go on the date that I almost cancelled. I just didn't want to snap at him or act like a bitch.

When I arrived at his place, he was standing outside waiting. I stepped out and he smiled, "How've you been?"

I shrug, "If I'm being honest, I haven't had a good day since Tuesday."

He scrunched up his nose and says, "Ugh, I feel you there. That sucks, but hopefully this date will make you feel better."

I smiled gratefully and followed him inside. Let the excitement begin.

He had the pizza ready when I got there and so we started with that. We talked about how our week had gone so far as we sat in each other's company. Then we had ice cream as he put the first movie in. He started with The Other Woman. I love comedy.

After the third or fourth movie, he was watching me more than the movie, which happened to be Fifty First Dates. I was really enjoying this date with Michael.

As the movie ended, he said, "Do you wanna stay a little longer?"

I shrug, "Why not."

It was probably really late in the evening by now, but I stayed where I was at in his arms, cuddling into him. We weren't talking, we just sat together doing nothing. I liked being able to do nothing with him. In the end, I stayed the night.

We had grown closer and closer since that date. I was beginning to get scared of the way I feel toward him. I felt like I gave in too quickly. I usually have a hard time with relationships. Michael never purposely made me feel sadness, he always wants me to be happy.

I've fallen for him and I don't know how to act about it.

Ashley had nothing, but good things to say about him, and I trusted her judgment. I trusted her because, she new about my past and I was grateful that she was so trustworthy.

It had been a couple of days since I'd hung out with Michael and I had Ashley over. She always knew what to say when I was freaking myself out.

"You need to show Michael that you're interested," she said. "I was talking to him a week ago and he thinks you aren't all that interested."

I groan, "We've been dating for like two and half months. If that doesn't show how interested I am then I don't know what will."

She laughs sarcastically, "Well, he's the one always calling, texting, and stopping by just to be with you. I don't think you've ever once contacted him to be with him."

Crap. She's right. I hadn't even thought about it or thought about it being a problem.

I sigh, "Oh. Well I guess I can call him, because I haven't seen him since a couple of days ago and I kinda miss him."

She smiles, "Then what are you waiting for? Call him! I'm gonna leave so you can have him to yourself. Now call him right now," she stands to her feet to leave. "Now, dammit!"

I grab my phone quickly, "Ok, I'm doing it, I'm pressing his name now."

She's at the door opening it as she faces me, "Don't talk to me, just call him, quickly."

Once the phone begins ringing, she's out the door and I'm left to my own devices. After probably the fourth ring, he picks up, "Hello? Y/N?"

"Hey, I was just calling to see if you wanted to come over."


I laugh breathily, "Yeah, I guess I kind of miss you. I also wanna talk to you. So, are you free?

He breathes deeply, "Um, yes. Definitely, and I miss you too. Do you want me to come now?"

I can practically hear his smile through the phone, which makes me smile, "Ok, yes I do. I'll see you when you get here."

"Yeah, I'm leaving now," he replies. "I'm leaving now."

"Ok, bye," I say awkwardly.

He chuckles lightly, "Bye, babe."

After hanging up, I take a deep breath and remember how I hate talking over the phone so much. That's probably why I never contacted him.

When he arrives he texts me saying he's here and I text him to just come on in as I sit comfortably on my couch.

He walks in with the ghost of a smile on his face and sits next to me as he greets me with a quick kiss. I smile at him and say, "I hope you know that I like you, like a lot, because I don't want you to think I don't wanna be around you. I really enjoy your company."

I curl into his side, moving myself to lay between his legs with my arms around his torso. I look up at him and he half smiles, "I'm actually really glad you feel that way, because even though you're hiding pieces of your past, I'm sticking around no matter what happens. I hope that one day you'll be able to tell me."

I squeeze him and bury my face into his chest and my voice comes out a little muffled, "I'm really glad I gave you a chance."

He lifts my face from his chest and cradles my cheek as he kisses me slowly, but passionately.

3 Years Later

"That's everything I didn't want to tell you at first," I say shakily. "I was afraid of being judged and trusting you so much when I barely knew you."

He pulls me into his body and holds me close in our shared bed and says, "I'm glad you trusted me enough. I think I loved you the first time we made eye contact after the set at the party."

I shrug, "You think so?"

His chest vibrates against me as he laugh lightly and he says, "I know so."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And he holds me tighter.

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