Chapter 33 - Ash VS Trip

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Ash's Pokemon Moveset Update:

Pikachu: Surf, Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle, Extreme Speed.

Charizard: Flamethrower, Hurricane, Solar Beam, Dragon Pulse. Item: Charizardite Y.

Blastoise: Hydro Pump, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse. Item: Blastoisinite.

Bulbasaur (it refused to evolve): Power Whip, Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder, Work Up.

Pidgeot: Hurricane, Heat Wave, Steel Wing, Tailwind. Item: Pidgeotite.

Kingler: Crabhammer, Stomping Tantrum, X-Scissor, Swords Dance.

Muk: Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Shadow Sneak, Acid Armor.

Lapras: Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Psychic, Drill Run.

Snorlax: Body Slam, Curse, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt.

Beedrill: Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Swords Dance, Drill Run. Item: Beedrillite.

Butterfree: Bug Buzz, Hurricane, Giga Drain, Tailwind.

Primeape: Close Combat, Gunk Shot, Stone Edge, Throat Chop.

Meganium: Giga Drain, Earthquake, Ancient Power, Iron Tail.

Typhosion: Lava Plume, Earthquake, Thunder Punch, Focus Blast.

Feraligatr: Aqua Tail, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Dragon Dance.

Heracross: Megahorn, Stone Edge, Close Combat, Bulk Up. Item: Heracronite.

Noctowl: Hurricane, Heat Wave, Steel Wing, Nasty Plot.

Donphan: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Gunk Shot, Thunder Fang.

Tyranitar: Crunch, Stone Edge, Ice Punch, Dragon Dance. Item: Tyranitarite.

Sceptile: Leaf Blade, Dragon Pulse, Earthquake, Rock Slide. Item: Sceptilite.

Swellow: Air Slash, Heat Wave, Steel Wing, Work Up.

Crawdaunt: Crabhammer, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Dragon Dance.

Torkoal: Heat Wave, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Stone Edge.

Glalie: Blizzard, Earthquake, Freeze-Dry, Water Pulse. Item: Glalitite.

Torterra: Seed Bomb, Earthquake, Rock Polish, Stone Edge.

Infernape: Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Thunder Punch, Swords Dance.

Staraptor: Brave Bird, Close Combat, Steel Wing, Tailwind.

Gliscor: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Acrobatics, Swords Dance.

Floatzel: Liquidation, Ice Punch, Brick Break, Bulk Up.

Garchomp: Earthquake, Iron Head, Swords Dance, Scale Shot. Item: Garchompite.

Lucario: Meteor Mash, Aura Sphere, Earthquake, Extreme Speed. Item: Lucarionite.

Serperior: Leaf Storm, Dragon Pulse, Aqua Tail, Iron Tail.

Emboar: Flare Blitz, Scald, Thunder Punch, Brick Break.

Samurott: Hydro Pump, Megahorn, Ice Beam, Sacred Sword.

Unfezant: Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Sky Attack, Heat Wave.

Krookodile: Earthquake, Crunch, Bulk Up, Aerial Ace.

Scrafty: Throat Chop, Power-Up Punch, Iron Head, Dragon Dance.

Leavanny: X-Scissor, Leaf Blade, Steel Wing, Poison Jab.

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