Unwanted Discovery

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"No! You know she got a vasectomy," Lauren says.

"I say it's Camila's and so it is Camila's," Zayn's voice raises.

"Zayn, it won't make no goddamn sense if I go up to my wife, who got a vasectomy and say 'Hey, I'm pregnant'," Lauren says.

"Then abort. That easy," Zayn says.

Lauren slaps Zayn across the face making him recoil back and massage his reddening cheek.

"I'm not fucking aborting," Lauren says.

"Get out! I gave you a resolution and you don't want to take it so this is your goddamn problem. Don't expect anything from me," Zayn raises his voice.

"Fuck you, you fucking coward fuck! And I'll gladly leave," Lauren raises her voice.

She moves and opens Zayn's office door, stepping out into the hall, and slamming the door shut.

Visitors, patients on wheelchairs, and doctors and nurses all stare at her but Lauren honestly doesn't notice as all her attention is drawn to what is she going to do now.

She obviously can't hide a damn pregnancy from Camila and she's too much of a coward herself to even tell her wife.

Lauren huffs and starts rapidly walking over to the staff elevator as she flashes her ID and when the doors slide open, she walks in immediately and presses on her floor number button multiple times as if it will make the doors close faster.

In her office, Lauren paces back and forth as she waits for Normani and Ally to arrive, who she paged on her way.

Her office door opens and Normani and Ally enter, closing the door behind them.

"What's with this page?" Ally holds up her pager.

"Yeah, what's so urgent?" Normani asks.

"I told Zayn," Lauren says.

"And what did he say?" Ally asks.

"What you two fucking predicted," Lauren says.

"I'm cutting him into pieces," Normani says.

Ally grips Normani's arm, preventing the dark-skinned girl from moving to the door.

"Ow Ally! For being small you have a fucking death grip," Normani says.

"None of that, Mani," Ally says. She looks at the green-eyed girl. "What exactly did he say?" Ally asks.

"He immediately said it's Camila's," Lauren moves and sits on the couch.

"But... Camila got a vasectomy. Doesn't he know that?" Ally sits down next to Lauren.

"He does," Lauren says.

"Listen, Lauren. We're your best friends and we love you, but we told you from the beginning that cheating on your wife was not the right thing to do and your actions will have consequences, look at us now. You're pregnant and it's most definitely not Camila's. Sorry to say this but as your best friend I need to. She's, most likely, going to divorce your ass," Normani says.

"Thanks for the support speech," Lauren says sarcastically.

"Hey, you know it's true, Laur. So what are you going to do?" Ally speaks.

"I can abort but... I can't, I won't," Lauren says.

"And we aren't letting you. Were not going to let you create yet another mistake," Normani says.

"But... Camila. I can't... I can't lose her," Lauren's voice cracks.

"You brought it upon yourself," Normani says.

"Norman!" Ally says firmly.

"I fucking get it!" Lauren stands up. She walks away from where her best friends are and over to the opposite side. "I'm a fucking piece of shit who cheated on my wife who is one of the greatest people on this earth. I don't deserve her, I get it," Lauren lets out a sob. She slides down the wall and finally lets her tears go. "She committed herself completely to me since the first time we saw each other and when I got pregnant she wasn't a fucking coward like Zayn is. She dropped out of high school despite loving it so she can only stay focused on me, Grace, and making sure our family can move forward. She's the best wife ever and she doesn't deserve a wife like me," Lauren says.

"Lauren," Ally frowns. She stands up, walks over, and kneels in front of the green-eyed girl. She takes away some hair that stuck to her face due to the tears and tucks it behind her ear. "You're a great person, Lauren. Camila sees that in you, she loves you. Do you think she would leave you for this?" Ally asks.

"I sure would've," Normani walks over to stand behind the short blonde.

Ally looks over her shoulder and gives Normani a death glare before turning back to Lauren. "You two have kids. She wouldn't leave and divorce you, knowing, it could affect them," Ally says.

"The kids... Oh God," Lauren doubles over.

"Hey, hey, listen. Whatever happen's, you know we will be there to help you and support you," Ally says.

"Yeah, even me," Normani kneels and squeezes one of Lauren's knees.

"Thank you, girls," Lauren sniffs, wiping away her tears.

She stands up causing Normani and Ally to stand up as well.

"But I'm not telling Camila. Not right now," Lauren walks over to her desk.

"It's your choice," Ally says.

"But Camila's not stupid. You two had kids. She probably knows the symptoms," Normani says.

"I know," Lauren says. She sits down on her chair. "And that's what I'm afraid of. Her finding out on her own. She's convinced though right now that I'm just a little sick," Lauren says.

"Try to keep her on that as long as you can," Ally says.

"But not too long that it will start to get suspicious," Normani says.

"Okay. I don't want to lie to my wife... But I suppose I've done a lot of that already," Lauren says.

Her phone starts to ring and she grabs it to see that it's her wife.

"It's Camila," Lauren looks at her best friends. She answers the call and puts her phone up to her ear. "Hey," Lauren says.

"Hey, sorry for calling you during work but I want to tell you something," Camila says.

"Is something wrong?" Lauren asks.

"No, it's just that, I want to throw a barbecue this weekend and you can invite Dr. Brooke and Dr. Kordei to it if you'll like to," Camila says.

"I'm sure Ally and Normani will love to go to a barbecue this weekend," Lauren looks at her best friends.

"Perfect and I also want you to invite your boss," Camila says.

Lauren's face goes pale and her eyes go wide as she controls her cool.

"My boss? Why him?" Lauren asks.

"Why not?" Camila asks.

"He's my boss, baby, nothing more," Lauren says.

"We've known him for long. Ever since you were pregnant with Grace," Camila says.

"Okay, I'll invite him," Lauren says.

"Okay. Bye, mi amor," Camila says.

"Bye," Lauren says. She hangs up the phone and puts it on her desk face down as she lets out a loud groan covering her face with her hands. "This goddamn universe hates me," Lauren mumbles.

"What happened? What else did she say?" Ally asks.

"She wants me to invite Zayn to the barbecue as well," Lauren uncovers her face to look at her best friends.

"And you're so fucked," Normani says.

"I am," Lauren says.

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