Aaron is the only one who acts nice to him. His harbor in life. The one who gives him shelter. A real home.

His uncle might sleep late at night. He always an early riser. He has already eaten breakfast when Jeff wakes up.

Aaron asks, "Are you going to school?"

"Yeah. At ten."

"Have some breakfast."

Aaron's phone rings and he connects it. He frowns when he listens.

"No need. I have eaten breakfast."

"No. I'm busy. Maybe next time."

Jeff asks after the phone call ended, "Who's that?"

"Lin Feng."

Jeff chuckles. That's his father's cousin. He got a crush on Aaron since few years back.

His smile fades away. He remembered what Lin Feng told him in Aaron's funeral.

"I hate you. And your father. Both of you got Aaron in your life. Lucky bastards! "

Jeff learned Aaron and his father were lovers. They were bamboo horse (childhood) friends before they fell in love.

His father was forced to marry a rich heiress to get a heir.

Broken-hearted Aaron went abroad to heal his heart.

Jeff sighs. It's his father's fault. He hurted this kind hearted man. To care for your ex-boyfriend's son. That's not something everyone could do.

He asks, "Why don't you accept Lin Feng? Try it out. You haven't been dating for ages. I'm not a kid anymore. You could go hook up with a good man."

Aaron chuckles.

Time sure flies fast. The teary eyed little boy has grown up. He even urged him to go dating.

He confesses, "I didn't think I could fall in love anymore. My heart has been given to someone else. He's gone, though."

"Uncle, you need to move on. Let's have dinner outside tonight. My treat."

"Oh, you're rich now? Where's the stingy little Jeff go?"

"I still got money to buy you a meal or two."

Uncle, I will help you to find happiness. A lifetime is too long to worship a dead man. Father wasn't worthy for your love.

Jeff sends a text message. The reply arrives almost immediately.

Dinner at a fancy restaurant with romantic atmosphere...

Lin Feng smirks to him. He has been waiting at their table.

Aaron squints his eyes. He glances at Jeff. This isn't an ordinary dinner. This is a blind date. With Jeff as a light bulb.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
Everyone hates me (end) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن