Chapter Twenty Two

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Leyla's Point Of View

"The Order is an organisation that predates centuries ago, back when werewolves were first created and made by the Moon Goddess." Rita explained. 

"How comes I never heard of them before?" I asked as I furrowed my brow. 

"They are a secret organisation. Much like our pack, they have stayed hidden in the shadows. They were founded by an unknown and ancient bloodline of wolves who were extremely jealous of the the descendants. They envied them for they believed the Moon Goddess favoured the descendants." She replied. 

"Wait the descendants? I think I remember Nona speaking about them when I was a child." 

"Ah, Nona was very knowledgeable. She was well versed in werewolf history. What do you know about the descendants?" Rita questioned. 

"Well Nona said that they were directly linked to the Moon Goddess. She explained that they were a founding family. They were one of the first created and it was believed that the Moon Goddess gifted them with some of her power. I vaguely remember Nona explaining their role was to protect the wolves and she said that they were linked to the Royal Family. That is why their Alpha command's holds more weight." I remembered. 

"Nona did well with your education. Everything you said is correct about the descendants. They are more commonly known amongst our people. The descendants can somewhat be backdated in our history books." She said with a shrug of her shoulders. 

"So how do the descendants connect with The Order? How did you come into contact with them." I asked.

"Well the founder of The Order wasn't happy with the Moon Goddess favour to another family. There was some conflict, a power struggle in which they had lost. It was then that they swore an oath to destroy the Goddess' reign. They wanted to harness and control her power to have sole control over the race of werewolves." She finished.

Are you listening to this? I asked Amira. 

Mhmm, it's interesting. Amira responded. 

Do you think there is truth to what she is saying? I questioned. 

I can detect any lies coming from her mouth. She seems generously. Amira curiously stated. 

"How is that possible? The Moon Goddess is a God? How do you harness a God's power?" I exclaimed. 

She chuckled. "Just because you are God does not mean you do not weakness. History explained that Selene was extremely beautiful and before she found her own match and mate, she had mothered a child with the Mighty Zeus. This was during a time before Zeus was mated to the Goddess Hera. Hera was known for being petty and jealous. Her heart run black. She didn't like the offspring of her mate. She saw them as a risk and wanted them dead. Selene's child Pandia was poisoned and she lost her God-like powers and was sent to earth to live a human life." 

"Hera was filled with hatred for Zeus' daughter who roamed the earth freely. For many were enraptured with her beauty and kind heart. Hera seethed in rage as she watched Zeus and Selene watch over their child from far. Despite Selene being in love with her own mate, she was extremely jealous of the bond between Zeus and Selene. For they were known to be childhood friends. The legends and history books states that Hera created a weapon that would destroy the children of the Moon." 

"So Pandia is the descendant of the Moon Goddess." I asked. Rita nodded her head. "That would mean that her bloodline runs in the so called descendants?" 

"Yes. You are correct. My theory is that The Order was created and influenced by Hera to cause the destruction and fall of Selene." She finished. 

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