Chapter Twenty

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Leyla's Point Of View

Everything ached, my body was sore, the pain simmered across my skin. I was worn and fatigued from the endless training. I had spent the last week running for miles on end, until I felt my lungs burn and my stomach churned. I ran until my legs turned to jelly and my arms let of little jolts making my movements uneasy. My bones had cracked, my muscles had ripped. The last week was filled with physical and endurance that was unfathomable. 

My skin which was once soft was now worn and calloused. My muscles which were weak were now built to endure. My human side had started to feel stronger, the power that my body was once rejecting and causing me to feel nothing but exhaustion was now humming with a newfound energy. The power was addictive and the more I tasted it, the longer it lingered on my tongue, the more I craved it. 

I had been at the Mallaper's base for over a week and although I had trained with Nona and with the King before. It was nothing compared to what to the vigorous training that Rita and Carson had offered. My body was now littered in scars and defined in hardened muscle. My body which was once soft with feminine curves were now enhanced with the strength and muscles of a warrior. 

The drills that they made me run were all about endurance and strength. I knew they were both sceptical about my ability to endure and survive their training. But I had surpassed their expectations. Rita was a hard and disciplined woman but I still feel that she was nurturing me, I could feel my wolf bond with her as we spent more time together. I felt relaxed in her presence, despite her mysterious persona. 

Carson was another story. He was distant and cold. I could feel that he harboured some ill-feelings towards me but he still pushed me harder than anyone I had met before. At times he was cruel with the taunts that he would throw, however all it would do was motivate me further. I wanted to prove him wrong. I was determined to not only survive his training but surpass his expectations. 

The one thing I had gathered through my observations of the duo was that they were both hardened by something. Although they were loving and caring towards their pack members, the smiles they gave didn't quite reach their eyes. I remember Nona always telling me that the eyes were windows to the soul. Their eyes showed me pain and an emptiness. 

I was running my usual route after a dark a gruelling workout that involved weight-lifting and building my muscle mass. There was a light drizzle that cooled my skin and cooled me down. The burning in my lungs wasn't at bad, I was now running double that what I did when I first started training. 

"Run faster. Push harder." Carson yelled at me. I could feel the vibration of his feet, I could hear his laboured breath as he started to catch up with me. He didn't tolerate laziness. All he did was push me harder and faster. 

"Yes Beta." I responded through my controlled breaths. Last time I didn't respond he clipped me round the back of the head. I swear it gave me whiplash. My feet continued to pound through the grounds. I picked up my speed, lifting my legs higher, moving my feet faster. 

You can do this Leyla! We are so close to beating his snarky arse. You can do this! Amira screamed in the back of my mind. 

My movements were too quick for the Beta to catch up with me. I knew that I was nearly there. I was reaching my destination and after a long hard week of non-stop training I was going to succeed in beating the Beta that had made my training insufferable. I could see the clearing, I could taste the victory. Amira's humming in the back of my mind only encouraged me further. 

I am strong. 

I am powerful. 

I am independent. 

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