Chapter Four

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Alpha Reaper's Point Of View

My I strode with long steps away from the Royal Hall. Although I was in a rush to leave this forsaken pack, I knew I had time to get away before the Queen sent her lackeys after me. I chuckled at her futile steps to bring me down. I don't think she recognised me but I knew she realised I was a threat to her power. 

She was doing nothing but screaming like a banshee, some things just don't change. If she had been the Queen she was meant to be, I wouldn't be here. I don't know what went wrong with that woman but she keeps making mistake after mistake. I felt the shift in the tide when the invisible shackles that kept me hidden in the shadows were broken. 

The innocent blood was spilled, the prophecy had been enacted. I had been planning for my moves for years and I knew I had to take strike while the iron was hot. I strode in there giving a face to the name of the forbidden Alpha had spent years in the shadows. I was never able to stop anything, only save the innocent souls of those who had been abused, mistreated and tossed aside. Those people were welcomed with open arms, I nurtured them to health and gave them a family, in turn they gave me their loyalty. The first few years, myself and Beta Reaper were only and isolated but as the years went by we grew in numbers. We saved those who were in danger. I wouldn't harm come to them. They were my children. 

When I walked into the Royal Hall, it was intricately designed with flowers adorned all over the walls. It was purely designed, everything looked perfect. All except for the crimson river that was flowing the floor. When I saw who it was my heart sunk. Nona was a beautiful, honourable and honest woman. She was a beautiful soul and it was then that I realised she was the innocent blood that was spilled. It was then that I promised her sacrifice would not be in vain. 

I didn't shift as I made way out of the Royal pack's domain. My scent was masked and I could feel the leaves crunch beneath my shoes. All that could be hear was the steps and paintings of a wolf that followed behind me. The wolf who was destined to love me and my wolf to the end of time. 

I knew he wouldn't shift back to his human form, for the beast had overpowered the man. Overwhelmed by the appearance of his missing mate. I knew what I was doing when I spoke those words to Alexander that his wolf would follow me to the end of time. His wolf was loyal to me, I knew he never truly accepted. Unfortunately he was caught in a web of lies by the current Queen of the Kingdom. How things could have been different if people made the right decisions?

My steps faltered as I stood in the clearing on the outskirts of the forest. " Custodire" I spoke. My command filling the air. I felt the magic of my words wrap a domain around me and the wolf, shielding us from intruders and harm. I waited patiently, not willing to look at the wolf behind me. 

Alexander's wolf was whining for me to interact with me, he kept trying to nuzzle my neck but I shrugged him off. It then resorted to him trying to poke my back with his nose. The sparks were still there and but after years of being in the shadows, it felt more like an irritation. We were interrupted by the rustling of leaves and out of the tree's stood my Beta. 

Alexander growled, when I snapped my gaze. "Quiet Wolfy" I commanded. He looked away and sat on his back legs. I could sense his frustration at my words but there was no need for him to be threatened by this man. 

"Beta, did you bring it?" I asked. 

He replied with a nod and passed me the syringe. I gave him a small smile and made my way to Alexander. I brushed my fingers through his ivory coat. It was soft and warm and had been the first time I had encountered the beast. I felt guilt for what I was about to do to his wolf but I couldn't risk it. My people were in danger and he was easily recognised by the people of this Kingdom. 

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