Pss...Announcement Part Three

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Dear Readers, 

Well the last few chapters have been interesting I hope? What are your thoughts on the story so far? Are you liking the characters? Is there anything that is confusing you?

Your comments and feedback truly help me to develop the story. I understand it is quite a slow burn story but I hope you see that it is because I am trying to add layers to the story. 

Honestly I remember how you all thought Alexander was a good guy and as the story continued you saw another side to him. I hope that you get the themes that run through this story. Good vs Evil or Good decisions Vs Bad Choices. 

I know the topic of suicide is sensitive, which is why I wanted to give readers a warning before hand. In to making stories I have seen woman be the ones to self-harm, but like I said I wanted to change things up. 

Alexander has been observed and described as a strong leader. Mental health amongst men is still often seen as a taboo. I wanted to show that even the most confident and strongest males can suffer from mental health. Alexander has gone through trauma, he lost his mother, he was betrayed in every sense. I know he reaped what he sowed, but he has also lost a child and is responsible for that. 

What would you like to see happen to Alexander? Do you think he deserves forgiveness? Do you think he deserves a chance to redeem himself? Was he a victim or was he a perpetrator?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts. 

Love Cam 


PS - if you suffer from poor mental health, get the help you deserve. I am a someone who has suffered from poor mental health and I have fought tooth and neck to get better. Using charities and the UK healthcare. Don't be afraid to speak out. 

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