Chapter Fifty One

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Leyla's Point Of View

The evening air was thick as the heavy steps trotted across the vacant grass. The small dots that could be seen in the horizon were getting bigger and more defined. There shapes and forms were all different in height and size, but it was clear what they were. They were wolves. They came in different colours, some were brown, other's were grey. The only common factor that joined them was the way that they moved. 

There movements were fluid, there steps were precise, the way they moved was like they were one entity. Even from a distance I could sense their strength. They had trained for this moment, just as we had in turned prepared for this battle. Although I was confident in my mother's plans, just looking at them I felt the fear within me rise. We were extremely outnumbered. Where they had a group of over fifty. We were a small group of twelve. 

It's not quantity but quality. As much as they have the numbers we have the upper hand. Do not doubt the plan, I have faith in you. Both me and our mother have additional talents and skills. You can do this. Amira encouraged. 

I gulped down the spit that was forming in my mouth. I gave a tight nod. Thank you Amira. I trust in you. I trust in us. I responded. 

Remember if you need me, I am here. We are one, this is what we have been training for. We are more than capable. Together we are unstoppable. Amira replied. 

I stood my stance on the roof of the pack house, while I watched my mother jump from the roof. She stood in front of the pack house. She scouted the area and I could sense she was mind-linking the remaining warriors. She turned to my direction and gave me a small smile. She still stood strong like nothing would cause her to crash or fall. 

"Are you ready Leyla? The warriors are in position? Remember the plan, they will ensure an escape route for us." She spoke through mind-link.

"Yes, let's show them what we are capable of." I reply as I perch over the tilted pack house roof. I was hiding but I was still in plain sight. I watched the Royal wolfs scout the area, they knew from the co-ordinates given that we were here however because of my mother's power they were unable to locate us. 

At the front of the group stood an individual wolf, he was grey in colour but bigger than the rest of the wolfs. I could hear his snarl and his growl from here on the roof as his eyes searched the area for what he was searching for. I could see him pace up and down, right in front of us. We were hidden from the naked eye. My mother turned in my direction and raised an eyebrow. Even though the area was poorly lit, I could see her mouth mouth as she lipped the word "Marcus."

It was then that I realised my mother had clearly paid attention to her enemy. She was not wrong about Marcus, he was impatient, his movements were no longer confident but frantic. I could sense his disdain and irritation at not finding what he was looking for. I couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle at the man who had underestimated my mother. She knew what she was up against, whereas Marcus didn't have a clue about his enemy. 

I knew Carson's wolf had spilled the beans about our location but I can tell that he didn't reveal the secrets of The Mallapers. I couldn't help but wonder whether this was because the enemy was only focused on finding us or whether they thought we were too weak to fight and that is why we hid in the shadows. The only thing that was certain was that our enemy had underestimated us. 

My thoughts were interrupted by my mother's loud and bellowed voice as she shouted out, breaking the seal to the barrier that had kept The Mallaper's land hidden all these years. "Aperta Meridianam!" 

As the words tumbled out of her mouth, the seal began to peel back. It like watching an onion break away from it's skin. Except the secret hiding behind that wall was the Mallapers. I could see the wolfs take a sudden step back as Marcus' eye's widen at the scene unfolding in front of him. He was like a moth to the flame, the fire in his eyes was lit. It was like he had found the treasure as he started sprinting towards my mother's direction. 

The Mallapers Are Rising: A Rejected Werewolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now