Chapter Twenty Three

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A warning to sensitive readers as there is graphic content ahead. Topics of Suicide are explored. 


King Alexander's Point Of View

Emptiness crawls across my skin, it itches as it winds itself tightly around my body. The excruciating pain it causes is unfathomable. Tears leak out of my eyes like an endless river, the flow with no direction, no purpose other than to remind me of my sins. My face is wet as I stare endlessly at the blank wall. 

My mate is alive. The mate I shamelessly destroyed and blamed for the death of her mother. Many people thought my disappearance and anger was because of my mother, part of me reasoned the same over the years. However when I look back now, I see my heart ached when I sentenced my mate to be murdered. 

My mind is hazy with the past but memories rush through me trying to seek answers for how I ended up here in my life. I stare at the Moby Dick book that I chucked carelessly on the floor, thoughts of my mother drift to my mind. She would be ashamed of what I had done, she would have hated me for the way I treated Lily. Those adds just stop the pain I feel, all I feel is the darkness tightly gripping me as it consumes me. 

Is this what depression feels like? I heard and witnessed mates who lost their half. They would mope around, struggle to find a purpose to their life. The pain soon just makes me feel numb. There is nothing that can save me now. When Lily recalled our past, there was a part of me that wished I could make up for the things I did. Being a young boy, I thought I knew everything. My pride and ego were too big for me to think logically. I didn't even give Lily a chance to provide her statement. All I saw was the woman who killed my mother. 

As I close my eyes, all I can hear is her screams of the past, the tears streaming down her angelic face as shouts her innocence. How her pleas fell on death years that day. I look for someone to blame, to ease the burden and shame that are on my shoulders, only to come out short handed. Despite me wanting to blame other's, I have to admit my faults. I am the one who allowed it to happen. 

My thoughts slowly drift to Lamia. The sound of her name brings the vile to my throat, my stomach churns at the memories I had made with her. I would always question my pairing with her, why did the Moon Goddess gift me a woman who shown no motherly or caring traits. How did I go years believing she was my true mate? Even before I met Lily I thought she was my true mate, she smelt so good, her scent enticed me like no other. When my eyes first found hers, my heart thumped. She was so eager to be with me, we mated that first evening, I remember wanting to mark her as mine but my wolf well he was confused. 

My wolf was sceptical, he agreed she smelt like no other, he recognised a pull towards her but he was hesitant in marking her. He was confused because he too thought she was her mate. I made haste to tell my mother about finding my mate and she was excited and couldn't wait to meet her. She rushed to tell my father about arranging a ceremony to introduce her. 

It wasn't until I took a run and few days later that I found the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. Her black hair was whipping back and forth though the air. Her skin was milky and had an incandescent glow in the moonlight. She was a petit thing and I heard my wolf howl in my mind, he intoxicating scent hit my nose. Releasing my inner beast but calming him like no other. 

I forgot about Lamia that night. I pushed forward and introduced myself and gently ran my fingers across her warm skin. The sparks igniting on my tips sent a calming fire to my soul. We spent hours under the stars and moonlight, speaking of our hopes, dreams and future. She was perfect. My heart raced and we made love under the stars that night. It was perfect. 

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