Chapter Six

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Ryan's Point of View

It was early morning and I was shivering on my own. I felt the pain in my bones and I felt weak. I couldn't understand what was happening to me. I couldn't believe what happened to my family. I had never seen my mother is such a state like she was yesterday. She always so composed and so put forward. She was always able to mask the strong emotions she felt, but yesterday I didn't recognise my mother. 

Was this who she truly was? For the first time in years I could hear and sense Reggie's thoughts in my mind as he growled at the mention of my mother. I could feel his hatred for the woman and I hated how it was starting to affect me. How could I possible hate the woman who brought me into the world? She had always shown me love and affection. 

No Ryan, she had always tried to control you. She merged you into someone that I can no longer recognise. Reginald stated firmly. 

I was kind of irritated by Reginald's presence, after years of him being silent, he now wants to talk to me. He was never there for me, he hadn't seen the years where it was me and mom. She was the one who had comforted me when I was sad. I was the one to hold her when father cheated. We became eachother's lifeline. 

Stop being foolish boy. I have always been here. I have always been with you but you were too far to push through the barriers that were keeping restrained. I have seen nothing but our mother manipulate you. It's time for you wake up and smell the roses. Reginald said firmly. 

God, as much as his voice was agrivating, it was good to hear to him. I felt at peace. I felt alone without his voice in my head but what he was saying about our mother was upsetting. I didn't want to agree with him, mother would never put her happiness above mine. She always wanted what was best for me. 

However, as I sit in my bed all I could do is question the events at the Royal Hall. She was screaming and shouting, I mean yes i had heard my parents argue and at times they were loud, but my mother had never responded in this way. She had never looked so disheavled, she never looked so crazed. Was Reginald right? Had my mother manipulated me all this time?

I think back to my father when I accused him of cheating on mother. His face was filled with nothing but pain and shock at my words. When he told me it was not true, I could see the honesty in his eyes. He didn't lie to me. So why did I believe that he cheated?

Because of our manipulative bitch of a mother. Reginald sarcastically states. 

Reginald she is our mother! She wouldn't do something like that! I groaned, rubbing my hand down my face. 

Would you have thought she would kill Nona in cold blood? Reginald questions. 

I thought back to Nona's body lying on the cold ground. I couldn't help but squint my eyes close at the scene. Nona was a good wolf, she was my father's godmother. It wasn't a common fact around the pact, but she was always around when I was growing up. All I could think about was Leyla when my mother slashed her throat. 

I didn't know whether to rejoice at the fact that she had escaped or be sad at the fact I would never see her again. The thoughts continued to roll through my head. This was all my fault if I had manned up and told them that she was my true mate, none of this would have happened. Leyla would be here, Nona would be alive and I wouldn't be stuck here in the palace with Elisha. 

Honestly when I was on that stage, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs that Leyla was my mate. When my father looked at me and asked what had happened, I wanted to explain that I had the best kiss of my life with the other half of my soul. When I was stood next to Leyla being judged by all eyes of the kingdom, I wanted to defend her. 

But for some reason I couldn't. I could feel the words try to push through my lips. I knew the will was there. All I wanted to do was protect my mate from what happening from the moment my lips touched her. I wasted time and I knew when my mother killed Nona she was wrong, she made a mistake. It was a mistake that I had contributed to, if I had been honest. 

You are right it is your fault. You allowed someone to manipulate you. Reginald scolded. But, it is not just your fault, you are not the cause. There have been forces affecting you beyond your control. Things that I couldn't helped you with. Unfortunately we were too late to do anything about it. Reginald sighed. 

Reginald what happened to you? What happened to us? It seems bigger than just me and Leyla. I asked. I could hear the desperation in my voice. 

I am forbidden for speaking of certain things. It was a sacrifice that needed to be made to keep the bond with our mates tethered. Something or someone had interfered with our bond it affected our ability to communicate with eachother, although I was in the back on your mind. I couldn't reach you. You were basically a human with enhanced abilities. Reginald replied.

I scratched my head. What do you mean Reginald? Who is affecting our mate bond? Is it still there? How are we able to communicate now? I asked.

I mean't what I said, someone was tampering with our bond. With the hate you had accumulated for Leyla, that too had led to our bond withering. It was why you were unable to accept the mate bond. The problem we have now is that your actions have caused our bond with Leyla to wither further. There were legends that you must voice your rejection but it is nothing but a myth. The Goddess believed that actions spoke louder than words Ryan, your actions showed Leyla you were rejecting our bond. She is what is known as a 'rejected mate' Reginald sighed with pain.

But.. I didn't reject her, I didn't accept her either. I exasperated. 

I know which is why there is still a small string that is keeping us connected to Leyla and Amira. I am keeping it open but Ryan your actions affect my ability to hold onto it. Reginald explained. 

I pinched the bridge of my nose. What do I do? You still didn't answer how I am able to speak to you now and where you have been?

The blood of Nona was deemed innocent. Innocent blood had been spilt. Her sacrifice led to all enhancements that were in place from being broken. Like I said Ryan, someone wanted to stop us communicating. Reginald stated. 

What do I do? I asked. 

We have to protect our people, we have to know who is behind the evil that creeps across the land. We have secrets to unfold and we are in a position to get the answers that need to be found. Reginald informed. 

I'm guessing you have an idea who is responsible for all this. I questioned. 

Yes. He responded. 

Someone's a bit short with his answer's may I ask why and who? Or are you forbidden from telling me that as well. I huffed. 

You won't like my answer. Reginald replied. There was no waver in his voice. I was scared that he would confirm what I already suspected. I was worried because I knew whatever he said was going change everything. I sighed. I knew he didn't need me to repeat the question again. He was going to tell me what I already knew and refused to accept.

Your mother. 

I pushed my head back into the headboard, knowing that I needed to be better, I needed to accept what had been in front of my eyes. I needed to find my father and tell him how sorry I was and I needed to get to the bottom of whatever my mother had done. I had to accept the inevitable before the last strand of my bond broke with my mate. 

I closed my eyes and allowed Reginald to fill my mind with the images of Leyla. Leyla laughing, Leyla smiling, her soft lips and big doe eyes. I sent a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess, for the first time praying that she would protect my mate and help me mend my mistakes. 

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