Chapter Thirty Five

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Leyla's Point of View 

"Mom, I need you to tell me about the prophecy."

My mom closed her eyes tightly. I could see her grip my father's hand, did he already know what the prophecy was? Was she seeking his reassurance or his strength, I didn't know. All I knew was that this prophecy meant something to me. It meant something to my mother and it was enough for pain to linger on her face. 

"Leyla, the prophecy..." She nervously replied. 

"Mom. No more secrets from this point onwards. It's not a coincidence that you found me that the Moon Goddess' pool and it's not an accident that Amira led me there when I escaped. So I'm asking you to trust me and be honest with me. I deserve that much." I confidently respond.

She looked at me, searching for a way to avoid my questions. She looked at my father who was giving her the same look as me. That there was no time for running and hiding, that we needed to know what we were up against if we were going to survive. 

"Very well. Take a seat." She said as she plumped herself on the ground. The water that was once surrounding us had returned to its source in the river. My father took a seat in between me and mother, we were in a tight circle. My mother took a deep breath and began to explain her story. 

"The prophecy has been around for centuries according to Selene. Tell me Leyla did Nona teach you about the old god's?" My mother asked. 

"The old god's?" I asked questioningly. 

"Do you mean the founding god's?" Alexander responded. 

"Founding gods, Old gods essentially they are the same thing." She shrugged. I shook my head. "Very well. The Old Gods are known essentially as the Greek Gods in human terminology. Selene, well she was one of the Old Gods. Selene was the daughter of Hyperion and Thea. Back then it was expected that Selene was to be Queen to Zeus. They grew up together, they were best friends, there was love between the two. They simply cared for each other. They had a child who was blessed, her name was Pandia. She lived amongst the Gods and she was loved by all. It wasn't until many years had past that Selene and Zeus realised their love was based on friendship." 

"Selene had fallen in love with a King on earth named Endymion, he was everything to Selene. Zeus watched on with happiness as he watched his best friend fall in love. He granted Endymion the choice to leave his Kingdom or join Selene amongst the Gods. He chose to live with Selene, for he too loved her. Years later, Zeus grew lonely and he stumbled across Hera. She was humble, beautiful and everything he wanted in a partner. He loved her and decided to make her his Queen. Queen of all Gods."

"At first, everyone was happy for Zeus, the Gods had come to accept Hera. However, Hera was unhappy. For she saw the love between Zeus and Selene, she saw that he had betrayed her and had given the rights of his first borne to Selene. Hera became very petty and jealous. Even as she birthed her own children, she couldn't accept Zeus' previous daughter Pandia. She saw Pandia as a bane in her side that just wouldn't disappear. For she saw the happiness Zeus had when he spent time with Selene and her daughter."

"Hera wanted Selene to suffer, for she was very jealous and petty. She took Selene's happiness away and placed Endymion in an internal slumber. Selene became heartbroken and although she knew it was Hera who had done this, she had no proof. Hera then did the unspeakable and drained Pandia of her Godly traits and banished her to roam the earth."

"When Selene had realised what had happened to her daughter it was too late. There was nothing she could do to stop what had happened. The damage had been done and there was no returning Pandia to her home. Selene then decided to bless her daughter with the gift of being half beast and half human, so she could forever protect herself." 

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