
Sasha was getting her books from her locker when Charlotte found her. "Ok what was up with you and Tyler yesterday? He, like, was genuinely nice". 

Charlotte had been holding back her opinions about the older boy because of what she had gone through. But she wasn't going to beat around the bush anymore. 

Sasha sighs. "To be honest Lottie I don't know. I swear that I ended things with him ok? Maybe he's just alone and is looking for someone". Sasha shrugs.

"Yeah but that someone doesn't have to be you, ok Sasha? I know you look for the good in everyone but sometimes people just don't have any good to give" Charlotte pleades.

"I swear on my life I ended things with him, I won't talk to him anymore ok?" Both girls held up their pinkies and shook on it. 

This made Charlotte relieved, she just wanted her friend to be happy. 

"Now I can ask all about what was going on with you and Matt last night, missy." Sasha asks, trying to make a serious face but failing miserably. "I saw you wearing his varsity jacket" Sasha gives a knowing smile.

Charlotte turned the color fire engine red. "It was nothing really. He saw I was cold and took pity on me. Like a little sister". Charlotte shrugs her shoulders and starts walking away, not wanting to talk about it anymore. 

"Where do you think you're going. That's deflection.". Sasha shouts after her. Quickly packing up her things she goes after her best friend. She finally catches up with her outside in the quad. "C'mon Lottie, you know that was more than brotherly love". 

"What if it wasn't? I don't want to get my hopes up and then get heartbroken.". 

Sasha looks at her friend with sad knowing eyes. She grabs her hand and clutches it. They both smile at each other. 

Before they could say something they were interrupted by Jeremy making his way through the grass. Heading straight for Tyler. 

"Shit". Sasha starts moving quickly towards the boys. 

"It's not your problem to fix this!" Charlotte screams after her friend, but to no avail. "Why do I even bother", she mutters to herself and starts making her way to class. 

"Hey, Tyler. Hey I'm sorry to interrupt. Just wondering how Vicki is, since you guys are close. Is she ok?". Jeremy is reeling for a fight. 

"She's fine, now get out of here." 

Sasha finally makes it to the duo, just in time to hear Tyler threaten to kick her brother's ass. 

"You keep sayin that, but when are you gonna actually do that? Huh?" Jeremy shoves Tyler and that's when Sasha intervenes, she doesn't want her brother to be suspended. 

"Hey, Hey Jer. What the fuck, let's go now." Sasha pushes him back and tries to get him away from Tyler. 

"Walk away, Gilbert. It's your final warning". 

Jeremy suddenly only sees red, he shoves his sister out of the way and gets close to Tyler. "This is your final warning. I'm sick of watching you play Vicki. If you hurt her one more time, I swear to God I will kill you". Jeremy walks away without another glance. 

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