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~Sasuke's POV~

"I can't believe it" I said.

"Oh well you better believe it" said Itachi
(Stealing Naruto's catchphrase I see 🙄)

"I'm not prepared yet" I sat there dazed, I am just now realizing how long it's been since I've seen Naruto in the flesh.

"How are you not prepared?" He said, I looked up confused.

"You don't need to be prepared to see your life long best friend, and boyfriend. For one, you look great, you've been working hard to be in the best shape you can for Naruto and the best looking, for whatever reason, since we know Naruto couldn't care less about looks"

"Yeah bu-"

"AND you're the top in all of your classes, he won't see you as dumb or incompetent. Yes I get that you're scared but you don't really want him to see you as insecure, do you?" He told me.

It made a lot of sense to me though, I can't be afraid of something that I love. I sat up and took a deep breath.

"Thanks brother" I said, he just smiled, winked, and walked out the door. What a weirdo.

I didn't really know what to do now, I sat there and stared at the ceiling for awhile. I took my phone out of my pocket and decided I'd call Naruto.

I didn't know what I'd say but I know that I can't sound careless, because then his feeling would get hurt, he'll think I don't care.

The phone rang for a little bit and I started to feel stressed. Why wasn't he answering right away like always? 


I heard Naruto's voice over the phone and it completely overwhelmed me. I sat there in silence for a moment until he spoke again.

"Sasuke? Are you there?"

"Ah yes sorry, I accidentally spaced out"

"Really?! That's so unlike you!"

He laughed. If I could choose a sound to ring in my head for the rest of my life, it would definitely be Naruto's voice.

"Yeah haha, so umm.."

"I'm guessing you know right? That I'm coming home early"

"Yes" I could feel my face start to heat up and a smile slowly form on my face.

"It's crazy right!"

"Yes!" I yelled.

"Sasuke! Im so happy!"

"Me too Naruto, me too"

Over the phone I could hear Naruto sniffling a bit, which made me cry. I missed him so much and now that I finally get to see him after so long, is just the most happiest thing that could ever happen to me.

Me and Naruto cried on the phone to each other for a bit, and ended up talking for the whole night, to the point we both fell asleep on the phone.

The next morning I woke up to my dad banging on my door.

"Sasuke!" I could hear him yelling from the other side. I slowly got up and opened the door.

"Yes?" I asked, in a very sleepy tone.

"You're late for school, did you stay up all night? This is unlike you" he asked. He wasn't exactly mad, just worried because it's true. I've never woken up late in my life or been late to school.

"Sorry, I stayed up with Naruto on the phone last night, I was so happy ya know" I told him. He stood there and stared at me.

"Naruto?" He asked.


"I get that you guys are together and all, but why so happy?" He asked. I was confused, doesn't he know they're coming back early?

"Dad, do you not know?" I asked him.

"Know what?"

"That Naruto is-" I was cut off by Itachi walking up the stairs.

"Sasuke! I'm glad you finally got up, I have something important to discuss with you!" He said pushing me into my room, I could hear him tell our father that I was going to be with him all day today.

"So Sasuke won't be attending school today?" My father asked.

"No, I already called the school giving him an excuse" Itachi said, and surprisingly my father let it slide. Itachi walked into my room and sighed.

"They don't know yet" he said.

"What?! Why not?!" I yelled, they're important people in our company they should know everything.

"Lower your voice, Kushina told me to keep it a secret" he told me.


"She wants to surprise them" he said.

"I see..Why didn't you tell me last night?"

"I forgot" he said and smirked.

I stood up and sighed, he told me that I was actually going to spend time with him today though. I got ready and did exactly that.

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