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~Naruto's POV~
It was currently Sunday, the last day before Sasuke leaves and I won't see him for another month. I would've asked to stay longer but apparently everyone has work on Monday. Sasuke's parents are on vacation right now, dad has work and honestly me and mom could stay here since she does work on a computer. Me and Sasuke tried convincing them to lest us stay at the beach house alone and Itachi and Shisui could stay with us but the only response we got was 'we'll think about it', that could mean yes!

Me and Sasuke spent the day on the beach, just us two while the older people did older people things in the house. Everyone was mostly cleaning up the house and packing up to leave.

"Sasuke" I said.

It was time I've told him, if you remember about the talk I had with grandpa Jiraiya then you probably already guessed but I'm moving, to a different state. It's for the company and I guess my parents and Sasuke's parents have been planning this for awhile now. They want to make a contract with another company, and so we have to leave for a couple of....years.

"Naruto?" He asked, I didn't realize it but I was crying, I literally can't even imagine what life will be like once I leave, everything would change.

"I'm sorry" I said. I don't know why since none of it is my fault but I just felt like it.

"For what? You never did anything" Sasuke wrapped his arms around me and gave me hug, I hugged him back and sobbed on his shoulder, this was the comfort I need. I need to tell him.

"I'm moving" my sobbing was worse now and he pushed me off him, not aggressively like he was mad, more like he refused to believe it.

"What? When? For how long? How far? Why?!?" He stood up, and was now pacing back and forth trying to find the answer on his own. He does that when he's mad and confused. He stopped then looked at me with sad eyes.

"It's for the company isn't it" he knew, it wasn't a question. He quickly grabbed my arm and stomped through the sand towards the house. I couldn't do anything to stop him he was mad and pulling me, I could barely keep my balance as I tried not to trip in the sand. We reached the back porch and he slammed the door open. My parents and Sasuke's parents were already sitting in the living room, I could tell they were already waiting for us.

"What the hell !?" He yelled. No one else but us six were there.

"Son calm down!" Fugaku raised his voice, it's scary when he does that.

"What do you mean calm down! How long have you guys been planning this?! Especially after everything I've told you!" Told them? I don't know what he was talking about.

"We know son, but our company could be in jeopardy if we don't do this" Mikoto said, she kept her composure.

"What do you mean?" His voice was stern and demanding, Sasuke was still extremely angry but he knows how to control himself, unlike me.

"There is a new company that has been claiming land at an exceeding rate, their called the Akatsuki" said my dad, he stood up and looked at me. No one realized I had been crying.

"Naruto..." he said, Mikoto and Fugaku looked at me and had a pitying look. I hated it. I stood up straight next to Sasuke and we were still holding hands, which was my only comfort at the moment.

"Just tell him the rest" I said, I sounded angry which is very rare.

"Sasuke come sit down. Now" my mom said, she seemed like she wasn't in the mood to play around or make up excuses. Sasuke walked over and sat down not because he was intimidated by my mom, he wanted answers.

"We'll be leaving this next month, before school starts, and we'll be gone for around four years, maybe more if we're unsuccessful. We'll be going to a different city in a different state. We won't be able to come visit for the time we're gone, but we will come back for the last two years of high school. I know this must be extremely difficult for you to take in, but I know you Sasuke. I know how you feel and I also know how you feel about the company, if you want us to be successful in the future, if you want Naruto to be successful too, you will understand. You can be mad and you can hate us, but please try and cooperate with us"

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