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"I don't know, they just seemed weird over the phone, like they knew"

"Oh gosh...how embarrassing" Naruto said covering his face with his hands.

"Don't worry, we're almost adults, it was bound to happen sometime. Plus my parents are usually chill about things like this" I told him. He took and deep breath and exhaled.

"Yeah I know, but my parents.."

"It'll be fine, and it's not like they have to know now. Also I might be wrong, so until they say something, we won't say anything"

Naruto sighed and kept walking without saying a word. I feel bad for putting this on him without thinking about the consequences after and how he would feel, we should've talked more about it first before jumping right into it. I know I got his consent, but I should've expected he'd feel this way, I'm such a bad boyfriend.

I could feel myself starting to sulk, then Naruto gave me a slap on the back.

"OW!" I yelled jumping up.

"I can tell on you face that you're troubled right now, what is it" he said stopping us in the middle of the road.

"It's nothing" I told him

"It is something and I think I know what it is" he said, I didn't say anything back and just stared at him.

"I'm guessing you feel bad right now because I'm extremely worried about our parents and other people, correct?" He said

"Yeah.." I put my head down and frowned, Naruto then grabbed me by my face and made me face him.

"Sasuke, there's no need to worry. I am fine but like I said, this is something so new to me and of course I'm a little worried about it, I know that you are too. Sasuke there's nothing that can make me think badly of you, because I love you and you're my best friend. Don't think that everything is your fault, it's ok" he said giving me a warm smile. I immediately felt the weight on my chest go away, and I felt relieved. I gave him a hug before we started walking again.

After just a minute or so my house came into view, and we see Itachi and Izumi outside. They see us walking up the driveway and start yelling our names. For some reason.

"SASUKE, NARUTO!!" Yelled Izumi as she started running down the driveway opening her arms wide for a hug. Naruto immediately ran at her as well and they basically jumped onto each other, almost falling.

"Ah I missed you so much!!" Izumi yelled.

"Haha what do you mean you guys were the ones who gave me ride back" Naruto started laughing.

"Don't ruin the mood Naruto!" Izumi yelled.

Next my parents flung the door open with teary eyes running down to see Naruto finally.

"Ahh we've waited so long! We originally wanted to see you before Sasuke but decided that you two needed alone time" my mother said with a smirk.

"You've grown so tall Naruto, you're started to look like a young man" my father said giving Naruto hug. Naruto's eyes slowly teared up but he didn't cry. I don't blame them, we're basically family and none of us has seen Naruto is the past 4 years, it's a very emotional time for them right now.

"How about we go inside and talk over some dinner" my mother said gesturing us inside. We all walked in and got settled at the kitchen table with lots of food.

I Need You (SasuNaru) Where stories live. Discover now