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Naruto's POV~

Ahhh, only a couple more months left! I can't wait to see Sasuke, and every one else too! I can only imagine how different everyone looks, I mean it has been 3 and a half years. Especially Sasuke.

Over the past years I've been working out and becoming the best of myself that I can be for Sasuke. Itachi told me awhile back that Sasuke started working out, and obviously I'm not going to just let him beat me. I have a routine every single day, and damn I look good. Compared to my small chubby self, I've grown a lot. I've got a slim body, taller, and smarter. For some reason my stomach just won't produce abs, but that's fine, abs aren't everything. Even so, if you looked at my stomach you can see an outline of abs, but like they aren't there? Make sense?

I can't even describe how wild my imagination is, Sasuke must look good. Every day Ino updates me on things, even things that aren't important. She send me photos of Sasuke without him knowing, but he always has layers and clothes that don't exactly show his physique, truly unfortunate. He's tall though, I can see when he's standing by others. Me.... I haven't grown to much, in height at least. I have grown in other places thou- *COUGH* sorry.

Everyday has been getting better, my parents have finally been coming home early and making progress with the contract stuff. School has been pretty easy and I finally became friends with Haku, and met one of their older friends named Zabuza, who dropped out of school. He's an older guy, maybe in his 20-30's, I wonder how those two are friends. Gaara and Lee have been good, I know this because Gaara constantly talks about Lee, and Gaara is actually saving up money to go visit him soon. I literally have no other friends.

Nagato and Karin have been by my side these last couple years, and since Nagato actually graduated school already he's been distant lately, he's working hard to find a house in Konoha so he could see us when we move back, he's also planning on taking Karin with him, maybe Suigetsu but he doesn't know for sure. He's been working hard, and currently has 2 jobs that actually pay pretty good. Nagato also is waiting for a letter from KU (Konoha University). Jugo graduated last year and decided to wait in Amegakure with Karin until Nagato found a house. Jugo has been accepted into a school in Otogakure, a small school but he said he's from there, even though he could get into way better schools.

He's been doing school online, he's talked to the administrator of the school and they said they understand his situation and will let him stay away until he's able to go to the school. Karin and Suigetsu has also got part-time jobs, and both been working really hard in school. Karin just doesn't want Nagato to worry about her and Suigetsu is basically trying to help them out. He's a good friend.

Karin wants to become a Nurse or doctor for Konoha Hospital, she said helping people is something she'd like to do, and the pay is super good. Suigetsu doesn't have a career choice yet, I personally think an engineer fits him or someone that works on cars, I only think this because I've watched him work on a car before.

I was walking home from school and seen my parents car outside the house, I quickly ran over to my door because it's rare seeing them home before me. I swung the door open to see them both at the kitchen table, at first I thought something bad happened but they look more happy than that.

"Hey parents, what's up" I said throwing my bag and shoes on the ground.

"Naruto we are 'mom and dad' not parents, also pick up your shoes and put them where they belong" my mom said taking a sip of her tea. I put my shoes and bag away then sat down at the table.

"I have a feeling that you need to talk to me" I said.

"Yes sir" my dad told me.

"Ok, I checked my grades and they are perfectly fine, if my teacher told you I was sleeping in class DON'T BELIVE THEM" I yelled, which wasn't true, I was sleeping in class but my grades are still good and my work is turned in.

"Naruto calm down, this isn't about school it's about something else" my mom said setting her cup down and smiling.

"What is it ?"

"They contract got signed, we are able to go back home now" my dad said, he grinned as my jaw dropped. I had to process what my parents just said.

"REALLY?!" I jumped up from the chair and my parents started laughing.

"Yes, we'll be leaving soon, next month hopefully"my mom said.

"Next month?? Why not next week?" I said

"Son we have a lot of packing to do, and don't you want to spend some time with your friends here before you leave?"

"You're right, but packing doesn't take that long"

"We know but we have to make preparations with the house back home, and some things at work need to be finalized before they let us go" she told me

"Understandable" I said. We kept talking about how we need to start packing the stuff we have and they told me to hang out with my friends more, you know, because having friends is greaaaaat.

I called Gaara and told him everything, he said fed a bit disappointed that I was leaving earlier then planned but he's happy for me since I get to see Sasuke again.

I called Haku and told him, he told me congrats and said that he and Zabuza will miss me. That's all.

Karin, Suigetsu and Nagato already know, which is cool I guess there wasn't much to say to them.

I was walking to my room and suddenly got a call from Sasuke, I took a second to prepare myself, it was a bit stressing and I don't know why. I answered it


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