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Sasuke's POV~
Itachi told me this morning that Izumi was coming to visit, no wonder he was all weird and giddy this morning. After I went back to sleep, I had a weird dream.. it was about Naruto.

After I woke back up again, Itachi was already gone. I texted him before I left for school asking where he went and he sent a photo of him and Izumi at this breakfast place downtown. I smiled knowing my brother is happy with his fiancé.

I drove to school and unfortunately the person I see waiting at the gate for me was Ino. I get out of my car and walk towards the entrance of the school.

"Hey Sasuke!!!" Ino yelled, I sighed and kept walking.

"Don't ignore me" she said walking behind me. Seems today she really wants to stand out with her neon yellow hoodie and short shorts. It kinda reminds me of Naruto, the neon part anyway.

"Wait before we go in" she said grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

"What do you think?" She said posing in a weird way.

"About what? The stance is really bad" I told her.

"No you dummy! The outfit" she said, she seemed genuinely curious about my answer.

"Is this outfit for Sakura?" I asked.

"Yes, now be honest"
I stepped back and took a good look at her.

"Well, she'll definitely look at your legs, seemed you shaved and put on good lotion. The coat matches you in a way but also makes you stand out so, it's good" I told her. She smiled and gave me a hug.

"Thank you Sasuke! I know I can count on my bff" she said and smirked.

"Get off of me, and your welcome but you should've worn earrings or some jewelry, so I give you an eight out of ten" she frowned but didn't disagree, she looked down at the bracelet I was wearing on my wrist then up at my neck where you can see two chain necklaces, one with a fox on it and one with a circle.

"No" I told her walking away.

"Please sasuke!!" She yelled.

"Ughhh fine, I need them back by the end of today though"I told her taking off the necklaces and handing them to her.

"Your bracelet?"

"No, Naruto sent this to me as a gift for my birthday last year" I told her and walked away, she nodded and was ok with the necklaces.

I go into my first period and see Sakura. I sit next to her then lay my head down on the desk.

"Why so tired?" She asked.

"Eh my brother woke me up early and then I had...a weird dream" I didn't mean to say anything about the weird dream but I did, now I regret it.

"Weird dream?"

"Uh. Yeah"



"Was it a...ya know" she asked.

"Yeah...." I told her.

"It's ok, that's pretty normal I got one not too long ago also" she told me, I sat up and looked at her. She didn't seemed to be embarrassed, but that makes me wonder.

"Really" I said


"May I ask who it was about"

"......no" she said

"And why not? Mines pretty obvious, it's embarrassing so why can't I know about yours?" I said, I'm only doing this to help ino.

"I'll tell you some other time, class is about to start"

"Alright" I told her and laid my head back down.

Naruto's POV~
FINALLY!! I throw the last box to the other side of the room. I'm finally done and it took way longer than I thought.

Earlier Itachi and Izumi dropped me off, I cried a bit but didn't waste no time. Mom was right all my stuff was already at the house, all I had to do was unpack and get things ready. I set up my room differently than what I did last time, my bed was still the same but I've always had a pretty big bed so I didn't need to get a new one. I set up all my things and even throw some things away, like unnecessary toys I used to have or just random old things that meant nothing to me.

I jumped on my head and rolled around, it felt good to be home. But even though I love my home, I won't waste no time! I called Jiraiya and granny Tsunade telling them I was home, they were here in less than 10 minutes.

They told me they didn't have much time to visit because of some gambling tournament going on, and I honestly didn't mind because we ended up spending an hour talking about basically everything. After they left I asked Iruka to come visit me and he didn't have any plans so he hung out with me for basically two hours, he left because he isn't really one to spend too much unnecessary time with someone.

It was 1:00 so I still had two hours until Sasuke was out of school, I called Uncle and Auntie but they said they couldn't come over at the moment because they were leaving for an important business meeting, but they said they would see me later that night. I was fine with that though. I decided not to feel sad about any of it because everyone has their own thing going on and I was happy being alone.

I took this time to go check on the treehouse, I took the small trail we had and enjoyed the nature, but before I went to the treehouse I stopped by the creek and spent some time there, the nostalgia felt great.

The breeze and smell of the woods around me felt so good, after being in Amegakure, this smell and feeling of being out in the warm weather was kind of overwhelming. Since it's raining there all the time.

I sat there for almost 30 minutes. I got up and started back on the trail to the treehouse. As I'm walking I see that the trail isn't covered by leaves or anything, which is kinda weird  because nobody has been here. I don't think Sasuke still comes to the treehouse, maybe he does. I see the treehouse come into view and I start running, I don't know why but I was just so excited. I quickly climb up the ladder and go into the treehouse to see it's....clean.

It's like someone has been taking care of it since we left, the walls are clean, the floor is clean, everything is just clean. There's new beanbags and even a big mattress. There's new blankets in the cabinet. Everything is just better, and bigger. I wonder. I'll ask Sasuke when I see him, but I take this time to enjoy the mattress and soon I fall asleep.

I wake up to my phone ringing, I rub my eyes and pick up the phone.

"Hello...?" I said in a tired voice

"Naruto? Where are you?"

"Mmm, who is this ?"

"It's Mikoto honey"

"Oh! I'm sorry I fell asleep in the treehouse" I look at the time at it's 3:55.

"Oh my gosh! I didn't even realize the time!"

"It's ok Naruto I sent Fugaku over there to check on you before Sasuke came home, he isn't back yet but you should get back, we'll send sasuke over to you soon"

My heart starts racing.

"Ok I'll be over there"

I hang up the phone, jump out of the treehouse and start running.

Sasuke, I can't wait to see you.

I Need You (SasuNaru) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora