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~Naruto's POV~
Today I decided to befriend Gaara and Haku.

I'm not going to lie, these past couple weeks have been difficult. Especially in the friends department. Literally the only people I talk to is Karin, Suigetsu, and Nagato. Even though he's in a different grade and we really only see each other at lunch, we're pretty close. I've gotten along with Konan and Yahiko too, they're a pretty chill group.

I walked into my first period class, which is english. I'll be honest again, I'm pretty good at it. My teacher says I have a way with words. The only classes that I'm really good at is English and History......yeah.
Math is confusing, science is complicated, and every other class is pretty basic. P.E isn't really challenging, cause all the kids are either smart asses, lazy, or 'unmotivated'. There really isn't any athletic people other than me, yukimaru, Hotaru, and some older guy who was held back named Toneri.

Hotaru was the only athletic girl, yukimaru was small- but fast and Toneri was pretty good at most things, like me of course. Toneri didn't really like me and I guess that's ok since I'm not going to try and get along with him, he's a delinquent in my eyes.

Literally everyone else in my class are a bunch of brats who think they're better. I hate them.

I sat in my desk which is the left to gaara and literally on the other end of Haku, I never really have a chance to talk to him.

"Hey gaara" I said, sitting in my desk next to his.


"How has your day been so far?"


"Well that's good, mines been pretty good"


"I wonder what we'll be doing today. Oh! An did you notice it's not raining! Seems like it could mean good luck huh"


"Well....it's been nice having this lovely chat with you" I grabbed my binder out from my bag and grabbed our homework that was due last week. I looked at gaara who was playing some game on his phone. He has a bunch of eyeliner on again.... That's cool.

"Why do you always bother with me.." he said, I didn't realize that I was still looking at him.

"Well, you seem like an interesting guy. I wanna be friends with you" I said. His eyes seemed to light up and he looked...relieved?

"Wow....thanks I- no one has ever wanted to be friends with me..." he looked down and started to frown.

"Well fuck those guys! I think you're really cool" I gave him a smile and he looked down with a small blush....

That's how me and gaara became friends. After that we hung out a lot and he introduced me to his siblings, who were also really cool but more sociable. Both of his parents died so they've been living with their grandma Chiyo, who was a pretty chill lady. I introduced him to my family and they all got along pretty well, now my only obstacle was Haku...

Hinata: Hey Naruto, how was you're day?

Naruto: Hey Hinata! Mine was really good, you?

Hinata: Mine was good too, update on my crush.. we've gotten closer.

Naruto:Nice! You know I'm rooting for you!

Hinata: Thanks Naruto, I'm glad to have someone I can talk to about this..

Naruto: Always! Can't wait to see you all again. Also- guess what!

Hinata: what?

Naruto: I finally became friends with gaara!!!

Hinata:Wow Naruto, I'm glad! Hope we get to meet one day.

Naruto: Yeah I really want you guys too meet him, also- I was thinking of bringing him back with me.

Hinata: back with you? Like moving in with you?

Naruto: No No! Like for the vacation back.

Hinata: Sasuke told me you wouldn't be coming back, until four years.

Naruto: oh yeah....

Hinata:Well I'm sure you could figure something out, you always do....but anyway, I need to go. I'll talk with you soon!

Naruto: Ok! See ya!

I'm glad me and Hinata gotten closer, we text each other about once a day after school. Same with Neji. Shikamaru.....well he's bad at texting back.

I texted Sasuke the day me and gaara became friends and we'll....he wasn't very pleased but he said as long as he doesn't flirt with me. I didn't tell gaara about me and Sasuke yet, only because I don't know how he feels about gay people. I'll be honest though- he gives me gay vibes. He blushes whenever I greet him, he's a bit touchy, he even tell me about how I'm kinda good-looking. I really hope he's not into me, because then it'd be really awkward and then I'd feel bad for turning him down........Ya know what. I'll text him right now.

Naruto: Gaara. I have a question.

Gaara: what is it?

Naruto:How do you feel about the lgbtq+ community?

Gaara: Naruto I'm literally pan.


Gaara: yeah.

Naruto: oh....well I have a boyfriend.

Gaara: really? That's good for you.

Naruto: thanks.

That's was easy.....and unexpected.

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