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Naruto's pov
I lied down on my bed with my face smushed into my pillow. I was tired after the whole dinner with Sasukes family, it felt so nice to see everyone again but I am exhausted. Sasuke was staying at my house tonight since it's still just us, he was showering and doing whatever sasuke does, so I fell asleep.

I open my eyes to see sasuke standing above me, and the air around him is shiny? Like an angel.

"It's time to stop" he says, with a sad look on his face.

"Bitch wha-" 

"The story mf" he said again

"You're literally breaking the 4th wall right now, think about the readers"

"Boy we are fictional, the author should be thinking about the readers 🙄"

"True, she sucks. I mean how long has it been?"

"7 months"

"Oh shit"

"Oh shit indeed"

"But why're you like- glistening right now?"

"Dunno. I'm like some kind of guardian angel"

"This is so dumb, author explain yourself"

Me: 😅
Oh my gosh heyyyyy, ah hahah, it's been awhile huh.... :D

So uh I know like no one's gonna be happy about this but maybe everyone's assumed by now, especially the ones who've been here since the first chapter that I'm quitting??

Back in uh *cough* June I kinda fell out and some shit happened and basically I dropped everything? I deleted this whole app and social media and yeah.
Unlike last time when I kept telling everyone I'd be back and blah blah blah, this time I won't.

I honestly completely forgot about this story and everything that happened, I'd have to reread what I've wrote and everything but I can't anymore, so sorry everyone but this is the end :(

I feel terrible about leaving people on this cliffhanger but interpret this story however you like. Plus I've never been a writer 😭 This story was in shambles most of the time I'm surprised I got this far, but thank you all for the support until now!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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