Chapter 3

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"He wants you to stay with him? In his castle tonight?" Eve asked. She climbed into her cloud and pulled a blanket up to her stomach. The cloud sat like a matress in a box container I found a very long time ago on earth. Eve painted it with crayons and glued actual butterflies to the bottom so they hung off. You would think it was disgusting, but it looked quite beautiful.

The little house we stayed in was light blue and glared with the sky in the day. I sat on my own cloud matress across from her. 

"I offered. He seemed worried." I answered. Eve looked at me with wide eyes. It was adorable how big her eyes were compared to her slightly chubby cheeks and small mouth. Her face still resembled that of a baby, and she never really acted like anything else.

"You don't think your leading him on a bit?" She questioned. It struck a nerve in me.

"I'm just being a friend! He looks worried, don't friends comfort friends?" I asked.

She steared into the ceiling. "A princess comforts her prince, no?" 

I didn't answer and she began laughing. I let out my hair and began to brush it down. 

"Oh my god Uri. What are you prettying up for?" She asked annoyed. 

"He likes my hair down!" I huffed then braided back my hair and left. 

"Wait! You did'nt kiss my head!" Eve yelled. 

I crawled out the door, hearing giggles from her behind me. Many houses were beside us and across from us. Everyone knew everyone to some extent. It would take too long to get to the castle if I crawled on the road they paved so I flew a couple feet up and glided to the door. His servants opened it and lead me up to his room. 

His room is at the top of the castle, the multiple stairs are more annoying than they are necessary. 

Though his walls were brick with wide windows, there was a warmth in his room. The red carpets felt soothing below my palms and feet. He sat on his bed and watched me approach him and I crawled to his side. 

"Sauri, I am afraid. You understand I cannot project it on to the flock. They will panic and everything will end much quicker." 

I sat on his bed, close to him and gracefully took the hand he held out to me. He carressed it and looked thoughtfully into space. 

"Demicus, do not worry yet. It's not time for that." I assured. I didn't know what I was saying, but I hoped he found some usefulness in it. 

His dark grey eyes moved to my face. This action would scare most of our flock, but I just kept still and made him analyze what he may. He got up and sat behind me, his fingers moving through my hair and losening my braid. 

I felt the soft silk material sweep across my back and he carefully spread some of it on to my shoulder. 

He relaxed back next to me, his long black hair tied losely. He had a beautiful face. Deffinately fit for a king. From spending just little time in earth, I could tell the human girls there would adore his well built body. He was a godess in his own way. His wings were powerful and he sometimes had to slow down, or he would lose the whole flock during trips. 

"Demicus. Why do you perfer my hair down?" 

"Everyone wears it braided, or covers theirs. I put it down, I want it to be just for me." 

I felt my face frown and he noticed it, instantly. "Do I make you uncomfortable?" He asked apologetic. No one in the kingdom has heard the delicacy in Demicus's voice as he has used with me. 

" know, I only love you as a friend. Dont you?" My voice was as assuring as I could make it. 

"Why? What is so wrong about being a princess?" There was hurt in his eyes. Even though I have talked about this many times before. 

"I'm not the princess type...I can't help you rule an entire flock and I do not want to marry." I stated facts more than compalined. 

"You are the princess type. Your beautiful, honest and loving. You have been helping ruling the flock for a long time now, and I can't be that bad to marry. I dont bite Sauri. Not if you don't want me too." 

I laughed and wrapped myself into his bed. "You only asked for company for the night. You didn't ask for a  princess." 

We talked in his bed with all the castle lights off for hours until he grew tired. All of a sudden he stopped replying. His soft mumbling of questions seized, and his sweet smell poured around me, my head resting on his hand. 

It bothered me that he did not look relaxed, even while sleeping. 

I slept for a couple hours then woke up before the sun did. I had to get to earth before the sun or I would miss the human boy. 

Carefully I climbed over Demicus and down the castle. New servants had replaced the ones I saw last night and they opened the door to let me out without asking a word, as the usually did. 

I stopped at our house and checked to see if Eve was awake yet. Of course she was. 

"Did you even sleep last night?" I asked. She nodded and brushed the hair on her almost bald human doll. 

"I'm going out. I'll bring you something back to eat, just don't tell anyone ok?" She looked up at me confused. 

"You always tell me not too. I'm in my right mind Uri. You waste words sometimes because I know what not to say." I rolled my eyes and pulled new human clothes from under my cloud. A white shirt and Levi jeans, my tail could be stuffed into without deforming my rare. 

The shoes were quite comfortable too. "All star" was sewed in white to the front and the bluish color matched the jeans. I braided my hair back and and used mascara to hide the light blue color around all minxs eyes.

Eve studied everything I did. "Will you take me with you next time?" she asked. "Yes. If you behave I supose. Keep Demicus's company, even if he says he doesn't need it. I dont trust him alone." 

"Demicus, doesn't like me much." Eve replied.

"He's quite fond of you actually. Told me so last night." I lied. But her face was brighter than ever and she hugged me goodbye. 

I grabbed a purse I took from a young girl I killed, checked for anyone looking, and flew off beating the sun by 2 minutes. 

The human would just be waking up for school.

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