Chapter 32 - Edited

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"What happened?"

"You have a curse on you, baby. A pretty dark one at that. We are figuring out how to remove it. Do you know how long you've had it for?" Raoul asked.

"I don't know. But being at home got really bad maybe a few months ago after I turned sixteen."

"A curse that triggers into adulthood, tied to your magic and how often you use it. You must have been using it quite frequently." Elena said, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, I didn't know I was cursed."

"Blessed by the Goddess and cursed by something more sinister. Did anything happened to you as a child? Maybe an accident or did you meet any strange people before now?" Vittoria asked.

Ava looked around at the people that surrounded the warm bed she was in. She held the doona up to her chest covering her black satin bra and panties.

"When I turned eight, I fell in our packs lake in the middle of winter and nearly drowned. I died and met the Goddess. Other than that I have no idea what else could have happened to me."

"How far did you get before your family fished you out?" Raoul asked, walking over to sit on the side of the bed next to his mate.

Ava looked at Raoul, her eyes widening.

"Maybe twenty or thirty feet."  She responded; unsure why they were asking.

"You met the Goddess of Night and Darkness. Nyx. While you were dying, she could have done anything to you while you sank to the bottom, especially if she was having an altercation with the Goddess of the Moon at the time. She would get her revenge on the Goddess of the Moon's chosen daughter because of slightest of disagreements. It wouldn't matter to her that you were a mere child, she would get her revenge one way or another." Raoul said. 

Ava looked at the family in front of her. She wanted to weep but she was all cried out. She didn't notice that Raoul was moving closer to her and wrapping his arms around her smaller body. She started shake. Her body going into shock that she was never at fault. Her body shook violently as silent sobs wracked her body. With the blood rushing to her ears, she couldn't hear the screams that came out of her mouth. Raoul pressed her face into his body to try and muffle the mourning cries. Tears ran down his face along with her and he kissed her face, hair, throat, whilst murmuring softly to her that everything was going to be okay. He stopped and gently kissed her on her lips, swallowing the screams that slowly began to turn into hiccups as she calmed down.

Raoul kissed her deeper and waited for Ava to feel it and move with him or away from him. She held on, tears still rolling down her cheeks, but her screams stopped.

Raoul moved his tongue into her mouth and passionately kissed her. He wanted her to know that nothing she did was going to change the fact that he wanted her and wanted to get to know her. He pushed her into the pillows and climbed on top of her. He didn't feel his mother or sister in the room with them anymore. He knew they left as soon as Ava started to scream. His werewolf instincts picking up only the scent of his mother and sisters essential oils and the fire burning, but nothing else. Raoul pressed his body into his mates and stayed there. He was harder; harder than he had ever been. His cock wanting to be pressed even closer to his mate. He kissed her, grinding his body into her until he could smell that she was cover in his scent. He eased back a little, both breathless and ready for more.

Raoul noticed Ava was still teary. He pulled back until he was sitting on his calves. She sat up in bed, resting on her elbows, she pushed herself up until she was in a sitting position.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"For what?" Raoul asked, hoarsely. He was still burning with need.

"For distracting me and wanting me. I've felt the pull to other mates but they never acted on it and I've always felt like there was something wrong with me."

Raoul picked up his mate until she was straddling him.  He ground his cock into her and smiled crookedly.

"My body wants you, but I'm not going to take you when you've just starting to grieve. We have time. I want you Ava, so much. It's going to be good for the both of us at the right time. But I want you, no matter the mates I thought I had before. I want you more than I've ever wanted them. And when I'm buried deep inside of you, you're not going to remember anyone but me." Raoul whispered into her ear.

He felt the shiver as it moved up her back and smiled. He kissed her deeply again, before he picked her up and laid her under the covers.

Raoul stood and removed his clothes until he was in his black boxers. He climbed in behind her and brought her back to his chest; his cock pressed up against her butt. She groaned, covering her face in the pillows. He repositioned until he was connected to her and pressed his body harder into hers.

"I'm going to take you every which way I know how. In every position you could ever imagine and then I'm going to do it all again." Raoul growled into her ear.

Ava laughed, the sound coming out was her realising just how much trouble she was in. She would be thoroughly loved by this man. Her man. Her mate. Her one sexy ass mate! She giggled and snuggled into him, sighing, she closed her eyes and let sleep take her. She was safe. Finally.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 to NeoNixButterfly21/Christine

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