(Chapter 122) The King's Disappearance

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Jared walked amongst the children carrying a plethora of firewood that amazed the youngest to witness him able to carry so much at once. The older more magically trained ones floated logs around in the air using magic, but Jared warned them of the effects of relying too much on it, telling them their muscles would atrophy if they didn't keep in good physical shape, and that would then present poorly in their magic. After the modest lesson, they started following him around, hunting for more crumbs of wisdom with willful open ears. It reminded him of Lucy, with their gaping wide eyes, and as happy as the thought was it made him even more anxious. The only person more disgruntled than himself was Devane. Unlike with Jared, the children maintained a safe distance from the imposing irritable man that was constantly lashing glares down the bridge of his nose. Even Oira was still afraid of Devane though she was also the only one brave enough to ask him for help when her braids came undone. Devane huffed a controlled sigh through his nose, once he failed at the hairstyle for the tenth time in a row.

"Where is that man?" Devane demanded from Jared, abandoning Oria's hair in a gnarled mess. 

"I'm not sure," Jared replied, salvaging Oria's braids as he had once done for Lucy. "The children say he leaves from time to time and returns just as randomly."

"Unbelievable," Devane rated, glowering judgementally across the substantial collection of neglected children. "Do we need to hunt him down again?"

"We wouldn't be able to find him twice." Though it had been something Jared considered when waking up the morning after their arrival to discover the king had vanished without a trace. "But there's no other choice but to wait for him is there?"

"I can't wait," Devane snidely reminded him, "Not for long. Not with so much at stake."

Jared signed. "I know. I don't like the idea of waiting around either."

Devane eyed him skeptically. "Why are you in such a foul mood?"

"I'm sorry."

"Apologizing isn't an answer."

Jared gazed sorrowfully at the children playing nearby.

"I know I'm not much. But I'm all my sister has to protect her, and if I fail here, I'll fail her forever."

Devane noticed the sodden softness of Jared's voice. Like he was trying hard not to surrender hope.

"You're doing as best as you can," The advisor allotted, kneeling down to finish Oria's braid once Jared's fingers started to tremble. "You're quite admirable for that."

Jared studied Devane's profile in a rare moment he appeared off guard. He knew how handsome he was. It was plainly obvious and everyone that came in contact with him no doubt thought the same thing. Devane was just so severe in his speech and mannerisms that it overshadowed his attractiveness. But more striking than his personality to Jared was Devane's brown eyes that were golden at the center before they leaked out into a darker hazel and his lavish brown skin even-toned all over, unlike Jared's patchy freckled sum. He had a natural beauty to him that only became further defined with age as did his intelligence. Jared wished he could become half as dignified and respectable when he reached his age, but knew it was an innate characteristic . Like he had been born to garner respect and ooze competence. Jared ducked away a moment later when Devane caught him staring, his freckled face lighting up against the pink contrast his cheeks took on.

The advisor maintained his rehearsed neutral facade as always but was slightly less annoyed now.

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