(Chapter 22) The Art of Brooding

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Lucy wandered aimlessly about the school, taking account of the same expert craftsmanship of the outside as was reflected in the inner long wide stone corridors. There were courtyards scattered every so often between the buildings, and wondered if it would take years to accurately navigate the school's entirety.

It was a good thing she liked exploring as the exploration was helping to clear her anxious thoughts caused by the stares and whispers.

Now that she was calmer Lucy could sense the weight lifted from her head from the impromptu cut. Before it was so long it grazed the middle of her back when it was straight, but now it reached only a little below her collarbone. She really had no attachment to her hair, it wasn't like it was good for much but helping her stay warm when she and her brother explored the colder regions of the world. And anyway, she knew it would grow back quickly like it always did, but the lightness felt good for a change.

"Good evening." A male voice suddenly broke from behind her.

"Hello," Lucy replied, hoping her voice didn't come off as surprised as she was.

"You must be Lucy." The man declared with the friendliest of smiles on his handsome face. Lucy recognized him as one of the teachers she had passed on her trek up to the fire. The one with black hair. He must have been about her brother's age with a slim build. He wore a well-tailored white shirt under a thick black jacket that had red trimming of a floral pattern on the shoulders. He was tall too, so tall Lucy had to crank her neck to see his wavy dark hair perfectly styled to match his natural good looks.

"I'm Solace Brickell." He introduced with a voice just as friendly as his smile. "But you'll have to call me Professor Brickwood in class."

"Solace." Lucy tried out his name and his green-black eyes lightened upon hearing it. "Were you the Solace my brother used to tell me about?"

His smile widened to fill half his clean shaven face. "Jared spoke of me?" He replied in high spirits. "That makes me happy to hear after so many years apart. I thought his affections might have wanned."

"Not at all!" Lucy said beaming. "He loved getting you letters, and would tell me all about your times together at Attwood!"

Solace laughed as her pure openness was exactly the same as her brother's. "We were quite a bit of trouble back then too." He said with a reminiscing grin. "You know I have never met someone quite as smart as your brother." His smile turned mischievous before he added, "Other than myself."

"Jared?" Lucy asked.

"Yes," Brickwood replied, chuckling at her reaction. "Maybe not so street smart, but he had a brain that seemed to encompass more knowledge than anyone I had ever met. He could connect almost everything he had ever read or heard in the most brilliant way. It just about made him prophetic."

Lucy thought back to the time when Jared actually had his pants stolen in Bozuini by a cunning monkey.

"I actually have him to thank for my position now," Brickwood added.

Lucy blinked in utter confusion. "Really? Why is that?"

"Well because the teacher that held my position when we attended Attwood wanted to pass it on to him after he graduated. Jared was such a natural when it came to teaching, he would have been amazing." He looked at Lucy supposing she had probably benefited from years of her brother's private tutoring. "But he chose to travel about with his little sister who he just about adored more than anything in this world." Lucy's face blushed when adored fell from his lips with such affection. "So the position fell to me instead."

Lucy wondered what her brother would have been like as a teacher, but from how he never got frustrated and always encouraged her no matter how much she struggled, she knew he would have been incredible.

Algernon BlackWhere stories live. Discover now