Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Clara's POV

It's been a week now, and it seems all hopes are lost. Nicole hasn't been found yet, and Nathan is still unconscious. Dan and his team have put in their best, and had involved everyone that needs to be in this investigation and search team.

I stayed indoors, grieving over Nicole. I just hope she's okay and wondering what's happening to her. Zac and Collins are fine now, and they suggested we stay at Dan's place with double protection.

They checked up on Nathan, who was slipping in and out of consciousness. I just hope this is just a nightmare and everything would go back to normal. I went through the pictures we took together before the incident.

I noticed she had a particular necklace and a matching bracelet in all of them. I decided to call the guys and ask if they have any idea of a tracker being in there. I dialed Zac's number, and he answered after a few rings.

"Hi Clara....I was just about calling you. Nathan's awake now."

"OMG...... that's great. I wanted to ask if there is a tracker in Nicole's necklace? I noticed she wore a particular one with a matching bracelet in all of our pictures."

I heard  a few murmuring at the background.

"Collins just confirmed it from Nathan. There's a tracker in both her necklace and bracelet. Our men are working on it before kenneth notices it."

"Thank God. Please, keep us updated on anything."

"Sure, we will."

Nicole be strong, we'll find you soon. I silently prayed.

Kenneth's POV

I have her now. She proved to be stubborn when she gained consciousness. I didn't want to put marks and bruises on that perfect skin until I force her to marry me, but I had no choice. She needs to know who's the boss now and who's in charge, now that her sorry ass of a boyfriend is dead, which I'm assuming he is.

I have to quickly and quietly slip out of the country. That way Nicole will be mine forever and there will be no one, not even a single soul, will find out where we'll be. I walked back to her room to see her pathetic self.

"How's my baby Nic doing?" I asked sarcastically because; one, I know how she's feeling at the moment and two, she won't respond. It's no problem, I'm about to shatter her heart by breaking the news that I just got. My assumptions were right, Nathan's dead. Best news I've ever had. I doubt his friends will bother to find her, while mourning for their friend.

"I just came to tell you Nathan's dead."

Her head shot up, staring deep into my soul. No sound, no tears, no scream, no words.....just silence, something I wasn't expecting as at now. I don't know what staying here with a week of abuse, torture and starvation has done to her. She refused to eat any food given to her, and she only drinks water that hasn't been tempered with. She went back to her original position I met her in, wrapping herself with her arms in the corner.

"Since you're planning to ignore me, I'm going to start preparing for or departure from. This country." I said, hoping for a reaction but still, nothing. "Damn it......just know that you're stuck with me forever. Get that in your head." I angrily said, leaving the room.

"Hi babe." I heard Bella's voice, before being enveloped in an embrace. How did she get in...oh I forgot she's been here before. I wonder what she wants now.

"So what's your plan?"

"To get out of here  before they figure out how to track me down. We're leaving in the next 20-30mins max." I told her. "In case you haven't packed yet, leave it. I'll get you things when we get there." I continued.

She nodded, then headed into Nicole's room. Well I'm not actually bothered about what might go wrong, so I let them be. After seeing to it that everything has been sorted out, I left the office to Nicole's side.  I felt a sharp blow behind my head, and before I blacked out, I had running and gunshots.

Zac's POV

"You're not going anywhere. You're supposed to be in bed." I said, rubbing my temples. Nathan's been stubborn in less than 24 hours of being discharged.

"I can't stay in bed knowing Nicole is going through hell in his hands."

"Please, trust us. We'll be back before you know it."

He sighed."okay. But please..."

"Don't worry. We've got it under control." I said.

He nodded. One of my men came in. "Sir...they have started moving and some men are following them at a distance."

"Okay... Nathan, we're heading out. We'll keep you updated."


The police got to the place, but they had left the place. It seem that had a plan B since they didn't take any of the things they packed. My men and the police are following them slowly. Collins and I are heading to the isolated spot in the area, where the tracker is currently located at. The police confirmed it's an abandoned warehouse and they're on standby, waiting for a command.

By the time we got there, the police have rounded up the premises, and a few of their men have been caught. Some of them too have been shot dead, but kenneth and a lady were able to escape.

"We're slowly tracking Kenneth and his lady accomplice. We want to baby them without causing anymore casualties." The police told us.  We moved to the ambulance and noticed the medics were taking care of Nicole.

"How's she doing?"

"We've been able to stabilize her. She was drugged and since she wasn't eating much, the drug has really affected her." One of the medics answered.

We followed them to the hospital. I called Nathan to give him updates and he insisted on coming here. We'll, I can't stop him because he'll still come here anyway. I only made him promise he will come with escorts, to which he agreed.

"She's awake now, but she's in tears. Please come this way to see her." The doctor said.

Two heavily armed men were stationed in front of her room. We went in, going straight to her bedside.

"It's okay, everything's fine now." I hugged and consoled her.

"It's all my fault. I wouldn't have put you guys in danger and Nathan wouldn't have died." She sobbed.

"It's okay... Nathan's not dead, he's on his way here."

"But Kenneth said he's dead."

"He was made to believe Nathan's dead. For now he'll be kept in the dark about Nathan being alive." I replied.

Just then, the others arrived.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Nathan hugged her, being careful not to squeeze her.

"I'm happy you're alive. I thought I've lost you."

"I'm fine baby girl. Everything is alright now.

Clara hugged her, a little teary. There were smiles and laughter after that. All we have to do is stay alert, since we're keeping track on Kenneth. I wonder who his lady accomplice is.

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