Chapter 29

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"That be any issue", I proclaim.
Ofc I'm the dukes son. I must be loaded.

"Sure, you'll pay and I'll talk."

"You sure are stingy... How about this: you'll tell me the price of each answer and I'll choose whether I'll hear it or not. At the end of our talk I'll pay the price."

"You should."

The mood turned out quite award, but I should keep going. I already know that he's a reincarnator and a weeb as well. Maybe he is somebody I know? Not that I really had any friends but still.

"Where are you from?"

"2 copper coins."

That cheap!



F*ck off.

"I meant where on earth.."

No wonder it was that cheap..

"That'll be 1 silver coin"

And there the price keeps rising...

"I'm already starting to regret my decisions.. proceed."


I won't even ask which place or city he's from that's eno-
"Did you say Korea?"

"Do you want to pay 5 copper coins to hear the answer?"

"Of course not! Alright that should be enough. Aren't you interested in me?"

"Mmmh... Not really."


"Ok. Nevermind, I continue questioning, though this time it won't be about your past life:
Did father request you to monitor me?"

"I am not allowed to answer that question."



I can only imagine that he wants to keep track of my behaviour.

"Ok I guess I'll stop for today. I imagine you'll keep this little meeting a secret and won't tell my father, since I won't pay you if that's not the case."

"Of course"

"Last question: were you a boy in your past life?"

Yuri gives me a confused look.


I guess this was a unnecessary question to him but not for me.

" Thank you."

I smile friendly and somewhat relieved. I guess I'm not really alone at this foreign place.

" You own me one silver and two copper coins. I won't charge you for the last question since that was a stupid one."

Haha.. of course.. who would ever change their gender by reincarnation..?
Wait, that's not so absurd at all.

"Yeah, kinda random. But who knows? You might have fallen for me if you had a girl's mindset."

I nod and shrug my shoulders.
He cringes.

"I should go. Bye"

"Bye bye!"

I smile and wave my hands as he leaves my room.



That was one long day. My whole body is already aching. I've been in this world for two days already and there's so much to catch up.

First of all:
I am not the only reincarnator and Yuri's from earth too.

Sadly I've never been in Korea, actually I was a poor European girl who never even considered traveling anywhere.
I don't know much about him, but he seems to be the type of guy who needs to warm up with someone until he comes clear and talks about his secrets.

I wonder since when has he been living in this world. It would be really useful to have somebody like him as an ally.
At least I shouldn't push him too hard for now, guess the Duke ordered him to spend a loooot of time with me... Hehe.

Anyways, I'm getting ready for bed. I am not sure whether to meditate or not, since I'm too tired to do anything at all. But still, I need to get better.. I don't like that Bismuth Bastard but I also wanna keep up with him.

So, now that I'm meditating, I need to focus on my Chakra.. just like in Naruto... Hehehe

(I should stop thinking and start focusing)

Doing so I was very successful...

...falling asleep.

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