Special Chapter: Debut

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Twenty-one years later...

Growing up, I would say I have the best parents. I never really prayed for a perfect family because as they say nobody's perfect. We have flaws and we make mistakes but the important thing is that we learn from those mistakes. That's how we are being raised by my mom and dad. All three of us were born and raised to be contented with what we had in life. I still have a lot to learn.

I'm not going to say I'm privileged but I would say that I have hardworking parents. My mom is a professional chef. She loves pastries and I know she's good at what she does because my dad always flexes our mom to us. Well, she cooks for us every day though so yeah, I became a picky eater because of how good she is at cooking.

Mom started running her own patisserie and kitchenette with dad ten years ago. Dad had always been so supportive of whatever mom does. I do admire how they are working together. Like they didn't have ups and downs as husband and wife. We have never seen them argue and fight. It feels like they are always on good terms. Except for those times, mom would jokingly get mad at dad or vice versa.

Dad's like the most possessive husband over mom. He gets jealous even if it's just us. Well, I can't deny the fact that my mother is a true beauty. She's a very cool mom. Very bold and but so strict. She's so old-fashioned especially when it comes to me. Unlike dad who is the more supportive type and more understanding. So, dad is basically cooler than mom.

I slid slowly and gently on the main door of our house. I don't want to create noise or else I'm screwed. I sighed when I successfully locked it without creating a sound. I think I am becoming an expert. But when I turned my back and was about to walk upstairs to my room, I froze. I saw a man standing on the last step of the stairs, crossed arms and leaning on the handrail.

Crap! "G-good evening, dad," I wanted to make it look natural but the result was so awkward.

"It's morning. So, it's, good morning, Dawn!" I immediately check on the phone in my hand, it just turned 1:00 am. But dad was so calm. I was so nervous. Holy crap! I stood there frozen, not knowing what to say to dad so I just gave him an awkward smile. "Go upstairs and rest. But don't create noise or else you are screwed, sweet pea," he reminded me. I kissed dad good night and made my way upstairs.

I forced myself to wake up early the next morning because mom would get suspicious. I brushed my teeth and fixed myself. I saw my dark under-eye. Shit! I didn't have a choice but to take a bath early and do a little makeup to conceal the dark circles under my eye.

"Good morning!" I greeted.

"Good morning, sweet pea. How's your sleep?" dad immediately asked me. I sighed in nervousness because I knew what he means.

"I felt great, dad!" I responded. I'm just praying that I didn't sound awkward. In reality, I felt crappy.

"Take a seat, Dawn, and eat," I took my seat beside my older sister after my mom said that.

Our breakfast became so silent. For mom and dad, silence is their solace. They find it comfortable but this silence on the table right now is pretty awkward.

"How long will you stay here, LJ?" my dad broke the silence and asked my older brother, Luan. He has been overseas a lot because of his job. Or should I say he's been living abroad

Well, my parents are the supportive type of parents. They allowed us to do whatever we wanted in life. My brother pursued his dream of becoming a musician. My mom said he has always been interested in the industry since he was a kid. He loves playing instruments especially playing the guitar.

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